MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > AOC raises $3.2 million for Texas amid w...

AOC raises $3.2 million for Texas amid weather crisis

This is what a hero looks like. Heroes don't kill. They help people. Teach your kids that.

AOC raises $3.2 million for Texas amid weather crisis while Ted Cruz parties in Cancun

Republicans are just P.o.Ss. Will they be ever held accountable? I say we get after them. Get after the scumbags on this board first and tar and feather them.


Agreed 110%.


She feared for her life from the freezing temperatures in Texas. She thought for sure she was going to die! She was only 12 states away from Texas you know! 🀣


Dummy. It is colder in NY than Texas and no one ends up waiting in bread lines or homeless like they do in Texas land. We have something called INSULATION and DOUBLE PANED WINDOWS.


Wow, that comment went right over your head. πŸ™„ Makes sense for that to happen to an AOC fan though.


stfu airhead. You just gave me the opportunity to talk about the bread lines. You are completely worthless.




It's about time that she did/said something good. πŸ™„


Guess you haven't been paying attention. Watch how she grilled Zuckerberg over Facebook. Everything she does and says is good. Nothing Republicans do or say is good except when reality absolutely forces them to adhere to the truth.


Grilled? AOC doesn't do anything unless it helps her and then her party. Her country is way down on the list. She is more actress than anything else.


100% true.


Yeah and that's why she raised nearly $5million for relief efforts for a state she doesn't even represent because she doesn't care about her country. Tell me, what have you ever done for your country? No moreso what has ANY REPUBLICAN EVER done for this country except bring it to its knees?

Your make believe BS doesn't fly here nor anywhere anymore.


I served six years in the military. Just one day was more productive than anything AOC has done and guaranteed she only cares about how this helps her. She doesn't give a damn about the people of Texas. She does care about how she can use them to increase her power. Just like those fake photos at the border she took. All staged. Near tears. She was acting the whole time.


LOL n00b.


"n00b" ❓❓❓


The planet will be dead in 10 years.

But at least she did something productive for once in her life.


Once? She's been productive for several years. What have you done that is productive?


Oh please, the only reason she went to Texas is because she’s a drama queen and loves the attention.


Nope, it was to help the victims of the Texas Governor and his cronies in the power companies. Nearly FIVE MILLION DOLLARS raised now. You POS Republicans live in a fairy tale reality.


is there some sort of ledger we can verify for this $5mil amount you're all touting?


This is how the left wins over Texas and turns that state blue


So sweet.

Give them money/food and call them racists.

I love this woman.


When AOC spreads her legs....I mean puts her mind to it, she really gets things accomplished! Now, tip the waitress.
