MovieChat Forums > Candace Owens Discussion > A role model for all Black Girls

A role model for all Black Girls

Be like Candance not Cardi B


Why would anyone want to be like Owens after she claimed the moon landings were a hoax?




It was all over the internet just a couple of months ago. Where were you when this happened? I think she is trying to make herself into a laughing stock.

The especially stupid part is where she says "no mater what anyone says...." This is code for "I will never change my mind even when presented with good evidence". Only stupid people say this.


Surpised she's part of that school of thought but I know other smart people who think the same.
However I think every moon landing conspiracy denier should take a look at this.


Ummmmm did you even read that tweet? That’s not what she said.


Here is the text of her tweet;

Now for some light-hearted fun. What’s the one “conspiracy theory” that no matter what anyone says you believe is true. Mine is that the moon landing in 1969 was completely faked.
Just nothing about it makes sense. Especially NASA “accidentally erasing” the original footage.

You see the part where she said "that no matter what anyone says you believe is true"?

When you claim that you will never believe something no matter what anyone says, you have closed your mind and are unwilling to learn.

She also says nothing about the moon landings makes any sense. This is how uneducated people think and talk. She is a very poor role model for anyone.


She said “some light hearted fun”, I’m sure she was just kidding. You are clearly threatened by her because she destroys your narrative that the right just hates black women. You are a disgrace, not to mention probably racist. At least she doesn’t believe there are 57 states.


My narrative here is that Owens wants to deny a major accomplishment of the USA, and there is nothing, she says, that anyone can say that will make her believe otherwise.

You want to say Owens is kidding, but there is nothing in her tweet that says so. She thinks it is "light hearted fun" to simply wave away an accomplishment that many people worked hard to accomplish and some others died for.

I'm calling her stupid; it has nothing to do with her race/color

I am not threatened. I am embarrassed that an educated American would try, successfully, to make a fool of herself on a public forum.

The right actually loves Owens because she is one of their token Negroes who ignores the right's racist platform.

The least Owens could do for Americans of any color is try not to be so stupid.


Perhaps you would care to provide evidence beyond one tweet that was clearly intended to be a joke. And yes if she were white you would have nothing to say, you are only attacking her because she is a black conservative and the fact that black conservatives exist drives you nuts because you and your cult see everything through the prism of race.

And there you go calling her a “token negro” thus proving my point. The left loves to bitch about “systemic racism” yet are too stupid to realize that whatever racism does exist is a result of themselves.

At least she doesn’t think that there are 57 states or that men in wheelchairs can stand up, or gave that retarded explanation of the Russian invasion that KKKamala Harris gave. At least she doesn’t think there is such a thing as a “navy corpse man”


Even if she was having fun as she implied, that does not mean her claim that Apollo was a hoax is a joke.

Check out I enjoy debating people who claim Apollo is a hoax there. I don't care what the color of their skin is.

Calling me a racist seems to mean that you have no rational argument to make that can support Owen's stupid claim.

It hardly matters what other people are doing. Owens is making herself a laughing stock of the entire rational thinking world. She is an idiot. You will need to live with that fact.

I said that the right thinks of her as their token Negro. Owens is also stupid to make such a stupid claim on social media


So then you can’t provide any evidence other than an obviously joke tweet? Your premise is beyond weak.

Also I dont think the Apollo missions were a hoax so debating me on that would be pointless.

You are a racist, I’m just calling you what you are. It’s like calling an orange an orange, or a man a man.

Candace Owens is a smart, free, independent thinker. If she were white or if she were a libtard you wouldn’t have a problem with her. Hell you ignore the retarded blunders that dumb bitches like KKKamala and AOC make which proves my point.

Please show me evidence that the right thinks of her as a “token negro”, as of now you are the only one who has invoked that phrase which brings me back to you being a racist (as is much of the DemoKKKrat cult)


The evidence is her tweet. Right there on your screen. The premise is that Owens is saying that Apollo was a hoax. You did read her tweet? Owens did not say it was a joke.

Why am I a racist for calling her stupid? Stupidity transcends race. Anyone can be stupid no matter the color of their skin. Everyone else knows this, why don't you?

Owens said Apollo was a hoax, I think this makes her stupid. I have a problem with her because she says stupid things, like Apollo is a hoax.

You're accusing me of ignoring Harris and AOC. Prove it then. Show me a post I made about these two people in which I ignored the stupid things they said or did.

Recognizing tokenism does not make a person racist.


And I clearly stated the tweet is obviously a joke then I asked for evidence beyond an obviously farcical tweet and you have come up empty. She doesn’t need to specify it’s a joke, anyone who isn’t an inbred moron can tell it is.

Because if she were white you wouldn’t call her stupid (and BTW she isn’t stupid, you are only calling her stupid because she’s a black conservative). This is the actual “white privilege” in this country: If a white person dares to not toe the liberal plantation then no one says anything, if a black person doesn’t they are smeared and called every vile, disgusting name in the book, sometimes even the N-word by the DemoKKKrat cult.

Show me a post where you called out KKKamala’s retarded Ukraine invasion assessment? Unless you can then my point stands.

It very much does make you a racist, no one has made anything of her race except for you and your cult. You are truly a disgusting excuse for a human being. Maybe you’d care to provide evidence the GOP only embraces her because they need a “Token black person”. Also you’ve boxed yourself into a corner, if the GOP doesn’t embrace enough black people they are called racist, if they do then the black person is called a token and attacked for their race.


So if you declare that Owens was joking, then it is the truth? Well maybe if Owens herself said she was joking, then I might believe her. Why should I believe you when you claim she was joking?

If you're going to make a claim, then you need to stand by it and prove it. You have claimed, without evidence, that I am racist. You claimed without evidence that I ignore Harris and AOC.

I did not make anything of Owens' race. That was you. When I claimed that the "right thinks of her as their token Negro", it was not a complaint about Owens, but about Republicans.

Reading comprehension is not one of your strong points.


I doubt she believes the Apollo mission was faked, if you think so then one tweet isn’t going to cut it, junior.

You are a racist, it’s obvious you’re a racist, if Candace was white or hell even a man you would have nothing to say, DemoKKKrats treat black conservatives like trash.

Yes you did, you said she was a “token negro” (which is a racist term), the right didn’t come up with that, that was all you, not to mention you haven’t provided one shred of proof that the right wants her to be their “token negro”

Common decency is not one of your strong points.


Owens insisted that she thinks the Apollo missions were faked and that there is nothing anyone can say to make her believe differently.

Here is a link to me trashing a white man for his claims that Apollo was a hoax.

So much for your claim that I would have nothing to say to a white guy over this trash.

Why do you care if I don't have proof that the right thinks of Owens as their token? You don't care about proof at all. You just make up stuff as you see fit.


Then that means you’re incredibly stupid.

And there you go, the worst you said on that link was that you were pointing out the possible deliberate errors, you didn’t even come close to the level of hate and insults that you made against Candace Owens, You just proved my point that you are a racist.

So then you don’t have proof? I’ll accept your concession right now if you have nothing further to add, better luck next time numb nuts, in the future do your homework.

EDIT: FYI I asked for proof that you would attack KKKamala for her moronic assessment of the Ukrainian invasion, you didn’t which also further proves my point.


I called Owens stupid and a few other terms usually reserved for people who say stupid things. Does not mean I hate her. Even if I said I hated her, it does not mean I'm a racist.

You said, "Hell you ignore the retarded blunders that dumb bitches like KKKamala and AOC make". Your proof to support this accusation is?

Why would I need to supply proof to you about Harris when I never accused her of anything as far as you know?


Your level of hate towards Candace Owens far exceeded the link you posted, the only difference is Candace is black so therefore that’s why you called her “stupid”

Show me proof you didn’t ignore those retarded blunders, until you do my point stands.

Because her idiotic explanation of Russia and Ukraine is far more stupid than anything Candace Owens said, I’m just checking to see if you are consistent and objective and so far you have shown that you are anything but that, you are a biased, deluded, DemoKKKrat cultist.


yes a perfect role model.

"if you can swallow your pride, completely sell out, change your entire ideology for a pay cheque, you do can get paid to work in the house I mean be a grifter and spread anti black rhetoric"


And be shunned if not outright despised by the majority of black people.


I mean she is a truly deplorable human who has said all sorts of dumb/gross/anti science things

criticizing "using the race card" while constantly using it.


Lol this shameless hypocrite who regularly claims that racism doesn't exist, actually sued her school for racial discrimination(with the help of the NAACP) and won to the tune of 50 grand.

She basically climbed the ladder and immediately started trying to set it on fire so nobody else can follow.



You are clearly threatened by strong, black women who don’t toe your cults talking points. All you’re proving is your own bias and racism.


the cult party I've never voted for? explain act one.

did you like the multiple times she blamed racism and discrimination for things that happened to her?>


Quit lying to yourself, you know you voted for them, I refuse to believe you didn’t.

As for racism and discrimination I am willing to look at things on an individual basis, much like how I am for anyone else. Judging by your behavior it’s quite logical that she was the victim of racism, the left treats black conservatives like dogshit. I object to the left’s narrative that you are automatically a victim if you are black as I’m sure Candace Owens is. That doesn’t mean she was never subjected to racism.

Your comments are typical libtard behavior, not to mention you are totally proving my point. If a black person toes the liberal agenda then you use them to perpetuate your lies about racism and discrimination. If they dare to think for themselves and not toe the liberal agenda then your cult smears them with every disgusting and racist name out there from the N-word to “Uncle Tom”, etc.


you could fill an apartment complex with the amount of rent free living that happens in your head.

I write two sentences and I get literal paragraphs.

whatever helps you sleep sir! I have already suggested you stay off this site and get therapy.


Lol sorry I wrote too much for your tiny brain to be able to handle. Work on your reading comprehension


In her dreams....


Candace calls her own race Chimpanzees.

I can't imagine young Black girls flocking to her


can you supply a credible link to support your claim?


She is always eloquent and lovely.





Candace is awesome


She's much more attractive, that's for sure.


The left is obsessed with having a monopoly on the black and women vote so anyone who falls under either of those demographics who dares to not agree with them they are smeared, bullied and intimidated into silence. It’s really disgusting behavior.


Yes. Disgusting is the best word for it, though I don't know it goes far enough. Inhuman is the level they seem to have reached.
