Happy 11th birthday!
Happy birthday to Vivien Lyra Blair. She is my favourite current child star. She is a talented actor.
shareHappy birthday to Vivien Lyra Blair. She is my favourite current child star. She is a talented actor.
shareThere is nothing in this world that Allaby loves more than girls between 10-14 years of age.
shareI love everyone, even you. Free hugs!
shareI love you to Allaby
Thanks. It's nice to be loved.
shareHi my names Allaby and I follow 10 year old girls on Instagram.
shareFFS, Allaby.
shareFFS? Free food samples? For football season? Funky friendly singers? Free for Santa?
shareIt's "for fuck's sake" for fuck's sake!
shareI knew that. You should go post FFS on all the posts where people intentionally misgender someone or when someone posts a racist comment or when someone posts vulgar, disrespectful comments about women, instead of on a positive post celebrating a young actor.
shareIf someone is racist or sexist I'll call them out by either mocking them, do a parody post or respond in a more aggressive tone. As for misgendering, that's not a thing. That would be called "enabling". We don't tell anorexic people they are overweight. We don't tell schizophrenics that the images they are imagining are real. We wouldn't tell someone with depression that the dark feelings they have are a reality. We don't tell people who have anxiety that they should be anxious in every aspect of their life. We don't tell people with OCD that their families will in fact die if they don't knock on wood 3 times. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to tell someone who feels they are in the wrong body that they are in fact in a wrong body. I would, however, be supportive of all of these people to help them overcome or cope with their mental illnesses.
shareWouldn't telling a living-as-the-other-gender person that they are not the other gender be the opposite of enabling?
shareWell, it's like giving alcohol to someone who is already an alcoholic. Calling a trans person who has already transition by their "new" name is enabling.
share"As for misgendering, that's not a thing. That would be called "enabling"."
Misgendering a trans person is calling them by what they "were", not what they "are" e.g calling a dude in a dress with a massive cock outline under the fabric "Sir", not "Madam" or "Miss" or whatever they want you to call them.
At least that's how I understand it.
Misgendering would be a biological man who identifies as a woman wanting to be called "she/her" I believe what they "are" is biological and not how they identify. Therefore, because I believe that you can't switch genders by simply identifying as it, calling them "she/her" is enabling their mental illness by allowing them to believe they really are that gender.
What kind of sick question is that? Of course not. That is child pornography, which is illegal and immoral and harms children. I do not support or condone any kind of exploitation or abuse of children.
shareAsking for that kind of thing will get you into trouble buddy :)