Why would she be ashamed of those warlocks?
stop wearing baggy clothes and show us those cannons. YEAH BABY
sharestop wearing baggy clothes and show us those cannons. YEAH BABY
shareShe doesn't have to dress like a hooker, but it would serve her well to not go on stage looking like the homeless lady in front of the convenience store begging for change. Billie has an amazing voice, even when singing a cappella. I hear that voice and just think sound that beautiful has to be coming from someone that is beautiful, then I see the bag lady singing and it takes me out of it.
I guess she is a little self conscious of her body and covers it with tarps, and her hair as she covers it with spray paint. Maybe she could take a cue from Hope Sandoval of Mazzy Star. Sandoval always dressed pretty subdued, didn't do anything special with her hair save a part in the middle, didn't wear much makeup, if any, would never look at the audience, and would walk off the stage the second her set was over, but she was still so frigging hot. That could be Billie Eilish.
the only other time i heard the term warlocks was in Superbad i think.
it's funny.