Andrew Tate Responds To Greta ThunBerg (Full Video)
shareReacting to Andrew Tate's Arrest - PowerfulJRE (5.4M views)
Women Allege Sexual and Physical Abuse by Andrew Tate
This interview is a clip from an upcoming VICE Special Report airing January 12th at 11PM EST on VICE TV. “Sally’s” name is being withheld in order to protect her identity.
Like, omg, like, Tate gave me so much money that my, like, you know, brain blanked out of that horrible hit. Now that he isn't paying all this sugar daddy money, i'm like, omg, like, you know, so outta money, and like, back to my 9-5 job is like totally uncool, like, omg, how am I gonna get more money ya'know? So I'm like, hey, I'll claim he abused me on Vice and they'll be like, omg, 'believe all woman', and i'm like, this can easily go my way if I do this right, kay, like I know I can pull this stunt off and get more money. I need my sugar daddy's back.