I honestly didn't know
How much attention she was getting. When I first heard of Stranger Things I did my best to avoid coming across anything that so much as mentioned it because I didn't want a single spoiler. So I went in pretty blind. I immediately felt a connection with Barb; I think it was both how she was written and how Purser portrayed her. I took a liking to her right away and hoped as much as I could that she was going to return. After finishing the series I took to the Internet to see what others thought (not just of Barb, but the show in general) and was legitimately surprised at how much attention Barb was getting. Now I've seen some people say this is a pseudo-thing for attention like people making Harambe memes and such. I'd like to point out that I do think that was a terrible tragedy and I have no respect for anyone who mocks it. You see, the dbags who would post *beep* like that obviously aren't the Ike's who connected with the loyal, friendly, and overall amicable Barb. I think she became a phenomenon by accident but I don't think it's undeserved. I'd like to see Purser take on more roles - I think she did a great job (and other than Millie I felt she gave the best and most realistic frightened performance with that chilling scream for Nancy before her demise.) So, yes, Barb gave her her start but I'd love to see her do more. End rant.