MovieChat Forums > Jen Psaki Discussion > Imagine if Doocy wasn’t there.

Imagine if Doocy wasn’t there.

There’d be no questions. Just hand the talking points to the so-called “journalists” and they’d be outta there.

Would save these people so much time.


Doocy is awesome. He look like a 12yr old kid but kicks her ass like a pro every time.


are you high?

I knew him personally...

You haven't a clue.

Get one.


I get it, you're one of those who actually thinks Psaki is telling the truth up there. Sorry to burst your bubble, lunatic lefty.


Now, did I say all that?!


Also, Doocey is a half-a-cigarette in England... if you actually been in the press room at the WH, you'd know my man peter is caught between a rock and a hard place...

It's simple buggers like you who buy into this shit like it means something....

Meanwhile, our roads in the US are falling apart, and kim kardashian is more popular than the VACCINE for covid!!!

I wonder if this is the "exceptional" they keep talking about at fox....!


Okay, precious.


Sure thing, jerky.... enlightening, your commentary....

But it was what i guessed... y'all got nothing but your guns... which you can't even shoot.... need some damn sexual deviant to shoot... and kill...

But I dare you dildos to come my way.



What the hell are you blathering about???


Huh, skippy????


Guns and sexual deviants followed by a threat in response to one that never happened? Are YOU high???


Stop smoking the green stuff.... it's no good for you....


Seriously, what did all this mean? Just your attempt to insult???

"But it was what i guessed... y'all got nothing but your guns... which you can't even shoot.... need some damn sexual deviant to shoot... and kill...

But I dare you dildos to come my way."


Refute what I said with proof.... UNLIKE what you are doing, which is just ignoring the substance of what I wrote....

It's ok. I'm not mad. Everyone can see it, and I think (hope) the whole fkn country is as tired of it as I am...

Sick of subterfuge and trick plays.... all to avoid the truth...

Admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving it.


The LEFT: you better use pronouns!!!

Meanwhile, our roads are falling apart, we have an illegal immigration problem, and tornados are proving completely that "global warming is a LIBERAL LIE!!!"

People would rather walk around all smug like Cavuto doing his Fox Business program, while the studio is literally on fkn fire!

It's not the right that makes me sick... it's how spoiled we all are and how we think everything we do is "golden"...!

You responded with "ok precious"... you want to be taken seriously, you should take others seriously. Give people the wide berth you expect in return...



You people have a real problem with focus, don't you?

Here's the gist of this, Jen Psaki is a professional liar and propagandist. Peter Doocy calls her out on her lies and contradictions. I do not care to break this down in any further detail.

Guns and global warming have nothing to do with it.


It's amazing you readily see Psaki's "lies", but where the fuck were you when MackaNINNY lied every day?!

I mean, YOU ACT as though NO ONE ON THE RIGHT LIES.... who is being stupid here?

And if you know, you're being disingenuous... which I knew too.

And if all you are is a troll... congrats... aim high, willis...

No wonder you're here... not on reddit.... they'd eat you alive there.



Trump will be reinstated in 2022.


We're talking about Psaki. This is exactly what I'm talking about. You can't keep it about Psaki, you have to deflect with other unrelated crap. If I say crime in Chicago is due to liberal policies, you'll bring up some crap about global warming. Focus son, focus.

I don't give a rat's ass about Reddit or whoever is on what group bickering about what subject. How is that relevant either?


And how many times does the right do that?

We had mackaNINNY up there stating she was the "most honest" press secretary...

The little twat can't even admit Biden won! And he won. No lie. By 8 million votes... like Hillary won... and Al Gore won....

Y'all blame liberals for "stealing" elections.... who stole it in 2000?
And we had 9-11... the Patriot Act... that you don't even think about, right dildo?!

Psaki has done her job... which is to go up there, like the last one, and DEFEND THE PRESIDENT.

It's relevant dildo because this forum is not what reddit is. You can't be on reddit if your game is shite. And son, your game is shite. But that's more to do with substance rather than method.... republicans can be good.... it's the ones who LIE like it's going out of style (jim jordan and his jan 6 texts) that need to go the way of the dodo bird...

see ya


Lots of empty words. I’m not going to argue with you because most of what you believe is false. You can’t be helped.


Brother, you've got nothing to argue with...

I promise you, I mean well when I say "get yourself a clue!" Doesn't have to be for the left, or for the right, as long as it's THE TRUTH...

There's too many of you trying to shoot up pizzerias cos you think "God is speaking thru you..."

God shits on you.



You prove my point with more random shit and false narratives. Most of what you believe is a phony construct.


Is this the second or third post you reply with telling me you're "done" replying to me...?

Just curious... y'all on the right RARELY, if ever, tell the truth....



Your reading comprehension is not very good.

I am also not a liar. Everything you believe is a lie so I understand why you think that. Either way, you can kindly go pound sand.



So you think that because my political beliefs differ from yours that I deserve to die? Spoken like a true fascist.



Alrighty then.


Even I think Doocy is way too easy on Jen PsaKKKi
