MovieChat Forums > Lizzo Discussion > Has a meltdown on Twitter due to 'fatpho...

I do not believe this woman has ever worked out.


she's a perfect role model for our youth




Well then she should grow up and ignore it. Sounds like she’s the one who’s the problem.


Imagine if she put all that energy into her diet.

No body looks like hers if you're truly eating 'super clean' and 'working out!'.

There is saying in the gym “You can’t out train a bad diet”. It doesn’t matter how much she’s jumping around stage and exercising, she’s still eating enough to at least maintain her weight. Calories in/Calories out, is a pretty simple concept.

I also agree with the people that said it’s her brand. She has absolutely made herself one of the faces of the fat acceptance movement. Obviously she was lashing out from a place of insecurity, not confidence.


She will please her haters by dying early, due to her weight problem.


No body looks like hers if you're truly eating 'super clean' and 'working out!'.

I wonder what constitutes "clean" these days much less "super" clean. Does dirty food have more calories?

Ever notice in all those pictures we've seen of starving peoples all around the world, there is never a fat one in the midst? Yes, some people are more naturally lean compared to others eating the same diet with the same activity level, but it's only a few points either way and it still comes down to calories in vs calories burned.

Even if she's eating "clean", she's still eating as much as a small family. She is morbidly obese and a terrible example for young people.


It’s so easy to kick people when they’re already down. How many of you have lived your lives perfectly? Especially on social media? Leave the woman alone. Let her eat in peace. And you’re lying if you haven’t been to Wendy’s before.


Your post is so much better in today's context.
