MovieChat Forums > Alexei Navalny Discussion > Sorry Vlad, Alexey made a miraculous rec...

Sorry Vlad, Alexey made a miraculous recovery

Sorry Vlad, Alexey made a miraculous recovery and I make this prediction: someday soon he will be the new President of Russia and the Putin-Trump Axis of Evil will be at an end! Next time Vlad meets Donald will be in The Hague where they'll both face ICC charges and share a cell. Then the trillions they've stolen from America and Russia will be returned to the people!


Putin's biggest competition is Community Party.


I hope the Germans gave him the covid vaccine plus any other vaccines to help him survive in prison.


Masha Gessen is a great analyst of Russian politics. She said Navalny will be the next leader of Russia...or his wife. I'm hoping he'll be okay in prison. Putin is like The Turk. He missed his chance.


Do you realize that this negates your whole theory? There was no purpose in killing him if his wife would take his place.


Actually, Navalny wasn't that popular before he was poisoned by Putin. Now that he's recovered and brave enough to return to Russia he's very popular. But it's not about him. He represents something Russians have never had: democracy. It's a matter of if at this point he doesn't survive his wife may take the helm. This is a pretty common thing when dictatorships transition to democracy: Aquino, Bhutto (who in effect took her father's place), etc.


That's another reason not to attempt to poison him. Navalny made a lot of enemies with him corruption revelations. Any low level official could've poisoned him.


Yeah, funny about that...


He had a great line at his trial.

"They put poison in my underpants, Putin will go down in history as - 'Vladimir the underpants poisoner'."


The US government can solve a murder mystery in a Russian prison, but has no answers about a high profile prisoner like Jewish Epstein, in a US Federal prison, committing suicide while in protective custody.

Did I get that right??


Your prediction was as wrong as your crazy notion of a Trump-Putin alliance. Trump kept Putin in line. Look at what's happened since he left office.
