MovieChat Forums > Sophia Lillis Discussion > Looks like Maggie Gyllenhaal, at least i...

She also reminds me of Aileen Quinn from "Annie."




Same here. I haven't seen the movie yet, but watched the clip of Bev and Pennywise in the sewer and Aileen Quinn as Annie immediately sprung to my mind.


yep. I hope Maggie Gyllenhaal plays her character in the sequel


Well... I'm not seeing it. (I think Maggie is cute btw, unlike the critics up here.) I do, however, see Amy Adams in her and that amuses me a bit because there's that Clark Kent/Lois Lane exchange in It.

Anyway, if Amy Adams by any chance ends up playing adult Beverly in the sequel, that would be absolutely funny but also cool. Jessica Chastain has a likelier chance of playing the older Beverly, though.


She looks absolutely nothing like Maggie Gyllenhaal.


I can't see it either. Though sometimes I see a resemblance to the young Jane Fonda in Sophia so I get that different people see different things.
