MovieChat Forums > Felix Kjellberg Discussion > Women reveal their true intentions

Women reveal their true intentions

I was kind of shocked, when I read what he said about her, and then what the she said about him.

This is a 'fictional story' so I am not claiming anything (people in this story might be so rich they could sue me to an early grave with a flick of a finger) about any real people or even real 'persons'.

Ok, so let's see what happened in this purely fictional story.

He praised her and explained how happy he is.

The woman, on the other hand, said something incredibly revealing. This is how women often talk to conceal their true intentions, while simultaneously trying to say what the women think people are expecting them to say.

I'll first use another woman and another situation as an example of what I mean, so it will become clearer.

There was this woman, who had become a mother a few years before. When asked about parenting, she said "Love and boundaries exist" (it was another language, so this translation might seem a bit weird - this was the literal version of what she said, the meaning in english would be something like 'Love and boundaries are both there').

Now, why didn't she say SHE put boundaries on the kids, and SHE loves the kids? No, the 'love' just somehow .. 'exists' somewhere. The boundaries, too. She is obviously not an agent in either, but she thinks that's a good enough a thing to say about parenting, as if saying that those two things exist, somehow makes her a good parent, or gives people relief that 'phew, she said the magic words, she must be a good parent'!

In fact, she is a -horrible- parent, and her kids are scared of her abuse, but that's another story.

When we look at what the people in this purely fictional story said to each other, and put a magnifying glass on the woman's expressions, we can see that something similar seems to have happened here.

First the woman talked about luck, and identified as a 'person' instead of a 'woman'. To me, that's a definite red flag right there, distancing herself from her femininity completely, becoming neutral, in a pairbonding-ritual!

Then she doesn't say she loves him, she says 'she is full of love'. This love could be for anyone or anything, she does NOT specify whom the love belongs to or is directed towards! Another really red flag.

Then she distances himself even further from him, the situation, and what she's saying, so she doesn't have any agency or responsibility if something goes wrong (I think this is sub-conscious), by saying "Incredibly ecstatic".

Not "I am incredibly ecstatic" (The word 'ecstatic' is already a hyperbole, there are no 'shades of extacy' - if you are 'ecstatic', you are always "incredibly" - a logic mistake), but just stating "Incredibly ecstatic".

There's no one in that sentence, again, that this refers to. Of course it's supposed to be an implication to herself, but who talks like this? In english language, you are always supposed to identify whom you are talking about, and who is the individual feeling 'ecstatic'.

Then she still doesn't praise him, like he praised her - she merely adores and admires her _ABILITY_ (!) to 'call him her husband'.

Now, even if she divorces him, she can still call him 'my husband', at least in the form of 'my ex-husband'.

This does -not- sound like someone that ACTIVELY loves a specific someone, it doesn't sound like someone that's happy that she can BE with him for the rest of her life - 'the ABILITY' (to call someone her husband) seems to be more important than the closeness and being with him, and how wonderful a human being he is.

I would _RUN_ if a woman talked about me this objectively and distancing herself so much when talking about me, our relationship and 'her love' that she doesn't even say "I", when she mentions 'ecstatic', and she doesn't even mention WHOM the love she is so 'full of', is for.

In my opinion, a woman with nothing to hide, and who isn't trying to play some kind of mind games, would say the same, exact sentiment like this:

"I am really a lucky woman to have a wonderful, intelligent, beautiful soul like him as my life partner, and I love him as fully as woman possibly can. I am ecstatic to be close to him and to see him every day and be with him for the rest of my life."

See, this sentiment would be all about their love for each other, their relationship, being together, and expressing how wonderful and important _HE_ is (not the people that attended, which she mentioned before mentioning him, BY THE WAY!), and it would praise him back.

But no, instead she's talking like a robot trying to analyze why and how humans get together, and trying to mimic what the robot thinks people want her to say (while still revealing the cold, calculating, selfish programming).

Now, I don't know these people in my completely fictional story, I have never talked with them, and I can't truly and utterly know what their relationship or feelings are or aren't towards each other, but it's a bit shocking thing to see a woman say in that situation.
