Assumes his listeners are stupid
How long does he expect insults to work?
His video on retirement is so stupid. He claims;
1. No one in the US should be retiring when they are 65 years old.
I'm retired at age 60 and I'm having a blast. One of the best decisions I ever made.
2. Retirement is a stupid idea unless you have some sort of a health problem.
Actually there is no reason why I should continue to work when I don't need to.
3. Everyone I know who is retired, who is elderly, is dead within five years.
WTF? Is Shapiro going around and killing all of his elderly friends like some sort of serial killer?
4. Shapiro talks like he is the only one who knows that Social Security is inadequate as the sole means of support for a person who is retired.
I planned my retirement so that I would not be dependent upon social security. I still want to get it when I'm 62 as I did pay into it for 45 years.
5. Our entire leadership class is not 80 plus as he suggests.