MovieChat Forums > Ben Shapiro Discussion > I think he's a joke

I think he's a joke

Funny I recently watched that Curb Your Enthusiasm episode
about the Palestinian Chicken Place and the segment where
Marty Funkhauser shows up to eat with Larry and Jeff
wearing his yarmulke, and both Larry and Jeff nix walking
in a Palestinian place wearing a yarmulke.

This is overseen by the Palestinians patrons of the chicken
joint and Larry gets some pretty heavy attention from a
beautiful and sexy Palestinian woman who praises Larry
for getting that Jew to take of his Jew Cap. LOL!

But, Ben Shapiro, seems just like Marty Funkhauser wearing
his little Jew Cap wherever he goes. He just seems like the
kind of guy who, if he thought he could get away with it,
would wear a red yarmulke with MAGA on it. Shapiro just
seems like a joke to me.

And like Marty Funkhauser he takes himself so seriously that
people are don't want to burst his bubble or make a scene, so
Shapiro has gone through his life surrounded by people who
allow him to delude himself to the point where he really believes
he is right and takes it seriously - because he actually gets money
for it. Upper crust Republican money can afford to pay for things
with no value just to fuck with people, and to see how far their
followers will humiliate themselves to be able to delude themselves
that the billionaires are with them and will take care of them.

I think that's how their assembly line manufactures Republican pundits.


Shapiro has no legs to stand one when he cries about Anti-Semitism when he coddles the very Rightwing base that believes that Jews should just go back to Israel and stay there. He just ignores that, but if an Democratic congresswoman who is also muslim and Arab criticizes Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories he equates her to a Nazi.


Ilhan Omar got roundly slammed from all sides for her "phrasing" of that "criticism of Israel" because both she and Rahida Tlaib have gone over the edge several times. But, yeah, I don't think Shapiro does anything positive for the image of American Jews or Israel, that's for sure.

As much of a clown Shapiro is, and conceivably a borderline dangerous clown, you have to admit there is a pretty big dislocation in a majority of the Islamic world in terms of how they think they should be "respected" according to their intolerant religion?
