MovieChat Forums > Daisy Ridley Discussion > Star Wars: Do you think that Daisy Ridle...

Star Wars: Do you think that Daisy Ridley's career will suffer a fate similar to the other female leads in the series?


After all, few science fiction films do much for the careers of their female leads, Sigourney Weaver being a lone exception.

Let's be blunt: Carrie Fisher got her Stars Wars role because she was the child of Hollywood royalty more than anything else. While her abilities have improved over the decades since Star Wars, to claim that she is more than a modest actress is giving her credit which she may not be due.

Natalie Portman's casting was an effort to "strengthen" the weak female role in the film that turned into a disaster. The wooden dialogue, and her lack of chemistry with her co-star, simply dragged her down; and since her apparently unhappy experiences doing the Thor franchise, she seems to have curtailed her sci-fi outings (UPDATE: I wrote this before Ms. Portman accepted the lead role in 2018’s Annihilation. It doesn’t appear however, that this film’s dense narrative will translate into box office success)

Ms. Ridley’s range seems to lend itself to her becoming a successful character actor if she chooses that route. However, with the exception of Harrison Ford, the Star Wars franchise is not known for making its leads into stars, and there’s no reason to believe that Ms. Ridley will break that trend.


No. Daisy is actually quite a good actress as well as a trained singer and dancer and obviously she's English. So even if Hollywood wanted to typecast her she should be able to have a career in England between films, television and the stage.


Yes she will if Natalie Portman can get an Oscar for Black Swan Daisy Can too


She was totally forgettable in Star Wars. I can't even remember the name of her character.

She also looks like several other people.

That could work for her to be in something better, but after Star Wars, she's not a star.




The writer of Star Wars?



The Cheeto dust is strong in this one...


You forgot to add that Natalie Portman is also the lead character in the upcoming Thor movie after Thor himself got lazy and fat. She'll be wielding Mjolnir while Thor still has the Stormbreaker and I guess recovering?
