She, Hamill, and Driver were the best things about "The Last Jedi." Whenever the movie left these compelling figures for Dern, Isaacs, or Rose -- who is this movie's Jar Jar, not Rey -- the experience of watching the greatest modern day space opera became about as fun as, say, a trip to the DMV.
I would have thought Finn would be more hated. I don't hate Rey, but Finn doesn't work for me on any level.
I haven't see any of the new films, so can someone tell me why she's hated so much?
shareHer character is terribly written (not her fault) and her acting is sub-par at best (her fault). Be prepared for the universally acknowledged 'wide eyes and open mouth' acting technique.
She's better at acting than Hamill was in the OT.
Hamill's acting, when Vader reveals he's Luke's father, is some of the worst acting in the history of acting. I won't deny Hamill's abilities as a voice actor -- he's a brilliant Joker -- but his work on the OT is frequently amateurish and sometimes downright unbearable. Ridley is no master thespian, that's for sure, but her choices so far playing Rey have not been nearly as egregrious, IMHO, as Hamill's as Luke (though he improved greatly in "The Last Jedi").