MovieChat Forums > Daisy Ridley Discussion > Shaming her for her body image is fine,b...

Shaming her for her body image is fine,but not Melissa McCarthy

People find it ok to shame her telling that she doesnt have boobs or body of a teenager..
But If I say that Melissa McCarthy,Rebel Wilson or Adele..People call me a sexist pig who fatshames others


Who finds it okay shaming Daisy about her boobs etc.?


Do you mean the "Maybe if Lara Croft were a broom..." thread?

IDK, he/she put it in a jackwagon way, but I don't think they meant it the way you took it.

Either way, it isn't OK to shame her for her body, and if you see people doing it, speak up to them, and not just make vague, general posts about it.

Ah, I see, the asshat in the other thread about her twitter too.


Yes, please speak up about people saying she has kankles, a chest flatter than the Midwest, a hideous under bite, eyes that are a mile apart, the body of a 14 year old boy, etc. We all completely want to hear how you disagree and our opinions are wrong. She looks like *beep* her acting is *beep* and she's a *beep* addition to star wars.


And you're an *beep* have a great day 


