Bumbed into her on the street (Literally)
So here I am exactly 3 weeks after moving to London looking for a job and I was walking back from a train station looking for a ticket to go to a job interview the next day at Windsor at around 6 in the afternoon and I was walking back through Picadilly towards Trafagla Square to catch a bus back home I cross the road with my mind elsewhere (On the job) and I bump into these three 20 something year old women who were hugging and saying goodbye to eachother outside this posh resturant and I noticed one had this huge smile and I thought "She kinda looks like Daisy Ridley" Two seconds later it hit me, it was her. As the friends split up as Daisy was heading into the resturant i thought I kick myself if I did not confirm it, so I stopped her and asked "Excuse me, but aren't you Daisy Ridley?" She said "Yes", so I shook her hand and told her I loved her work on... I stutterd for second and forgot the name 'Force Awakens' and just said 'Star Wars' instead (Quick Save) she said "Thank you very much." I tell you what, she seems like such a nice person, but she is so tiny in person. Not short, but just so petite, I wonder how she pulled off convincing the casting and the director of Force Awakens that she could be the badass she was on film? I have more respect for her now for pulling that off given her stature. It was just so lovely to meet her in person, and super random.