MovieChat Forums > Kendrick Lamar Discussion > Kendrick Lamar is a Complete Idiot

Kendrick Lamar is a Complete Idiot

So he calls a white girl up to sing some lyrics that had the words nigger in it 15 times and then bashes her for saying it... like wtf? Even the fans are toxic. What black culture does to people...

I swear blacks are the most over privileged and racist by far (whine the most from the looks of it and play the racist card) when you have a word they overuse and demean one another on a daily basis yet bemoan, riot, violence if anyone else not black says it. Talk about pot meet kettle.

And you wonder why so many still hold racist views about them...


Yeah, the guy is a complete piece of shit.


This post is kind of racist, but regardless, his latest album which is being praised as a masterpiece is a boring, unmusical piece of shit.


You think white people should just be allowed to say the N word whenever and wherever they want and not offend anyone?

Are you really that stupid, or are you just willfully ignorant?
