he has that cult leader feel about him
jim jones or david koresh.
How nice of you to say....
shareNo he doesn't.
shareHe is for "disenfranchised young white men"
shareHis followers aren't "disenfranchised", they're just spoiled and entitled.
They're angry because they think they deserve all the best jobs, the best pussy, and the respect of those they think of as their inferiors, when they typically have the jobs, the girlfriends, and the level of respect they deserve. Or lack of jobs, girlfriends, and respect they deserve.
Most of Jordan Peterson's youtube video views are fake. White males know that he is a psychopath who is just a plant.
shareYou are a pathological liar or conspiracy nutcase!
shareIf you ask any right wing person who watches youtube if they watch Peterson videos, they would say no they don't because they know that certain people who present as right wing are actually just psychopath persons who are planted there by the psychopaths who control political discussion on youtube and peterson is one of those psychopath plants.
Liberals saying that Peterson has high status amongst right wing people does not mean that he does. There are many liberal youtubers who have mostly all fake views on their channels and no one sees them as legitimate leaders of the liberals.
Rumor has it that he's really a black woman, who is the greatest Troll in the world!
shareLet me guess. You’re a feminist pretending to be a man?
shareYou could literally make that argument against anyone who claims to be oppressed in society. Just because you view white men as being inherently privileged doesn't mean that their lives are without struggle or without search for meaning. When dealing with such a large group of people, it will hold true that for every person you can't help, there are plenty more "spoiled" or "entitled" ones you could by treating them or just showing a tiny bit of empathy.
It's odd how many people who pretend to be advocates for victims and their trauma tend to be the least empathetic people around when confronted by other peoples' struggles.
FYI I'm not one of those Woke nitwit who lumps everyone into either the "oppressed" or "priveleged" categories. I'm very aware that yhe world is far more complex than that, and although huge amounts of power are in the hands of white men, other white men are poor, struggling... and are as oppressed as any working person in an era of declining wages and standards of living.
However, those oppressed white men aren't the ones worshipping at the feet of Jordan Peterson. The ones who do are fucked up, rather than oppressed, there's a difference.
If you really think that, you know nothing about cults and/or Peterson and should do yourself a favor and research both topics more.
shareHe's not a cult leader since he isn't offering anything religious. He talks about Bible stories but he's not a Christian, he only sees wisdom in them the same way someone would in the works of ancient philosophers.
shareHe preaches to a group that is angry at women because they aren’t getting sex. It’s dangerous. This man is worshipped as a god by some men and that should be addressed not denied just because you aren’t a member of that group or if you are, I don’t know.
shareThat's patently untrue.
I hear various people saying this a lot about the people he is trying to help. Even if what you say about them is true, what do you expect them to do about it? NOT change? NOT get help? Maybe from somebody other than Jordan Peterson?
Is Peterson the one actually responsible for them becoming like that? If not, then what is he doing other than helping them solve their problems?
What is your solution for anybody who has flaws and weaknesses, if not what Peterson offers to them?
He should tell the incels to just pray to god to give them some pussy. Since he's such a fan of religion.
shareSo are YOU gonna answer my question, or what?
shareWho says he's helping?
shareIf that's not what he's doing, then what do YOU think he's doing? And what do you think he, and the people who go to him, should be doing?
These are pretty damn simple questions, but many who respond to them don't seem to want to actually answer them. It just seems rather cowardly.
Show me the evidence of someone who was actually been helped by him. I mean the results.
shareLol. Here's the funny thing. I didn't actually state that Peterson managed to help anybody. I only know that he has a large following, and no other reason to presume why. In addition, I'm still just asking questions and trying to get more information. I am under no obligation to prove anything.
You, however, presented an insinuation that he's not helping anybody. You gave yourself the burden to back up what you started.
"If not, then what is he doing other than helping them solve their problems?"
shareSo you can't answer the question, huh? Why the fuck couldn't you just say so?
shareHow can I answer your question if it it's based on you assuming something you don't know and then later claim to not know yourself if he's helping or not.
shareI assume nothing. I am asking for more information. Therefore I have nothing to prove.
You insinuate that you know a truth. Therefore you gave yourself something to prove.
Read that slowly and carefully as many times as you need to.
No, I gave my opinion on his help giving qualities. For you. the fact that he helps people is a given that you need other people to justify not accepting.
shareYour question is fuckin’ weird. How is he helping INCELs by giving them excuses for their behavior?
shareWell, IS that what he is doing? And if so, what should he and these "incels" be doing instead? That's what I've been asking for.
Who the hell thinks that's such a weird question? In order to judge and criticize people for doing the "wrong" thing, you need to give them a "right" thing to do, and criticize them for NOT doing it. It's such a simple concept to understand. Lol.
Actually in the beginning Jordan Peterson was dismissive of Incels. He said something like that they needed to grow up or man up. Later he moderated his criticism to say that they did have some legitimate problems and grievances. And then he made some videos advising young men on what women found attractive in men and how they could work on themselves with that in mind.
So he is hardly a woman hating "champion" of the Incel movement and you would know that if you knew what you were talking about.
He really doesn't. The primary message of finding "meaning though responsibility" is a lot bigger than just finding a mate.
This fad of punching down at incels, is really seperate from nearly everything I have seen him to or address.
He may very well not mean to encourage these INCELs who have latched on to him and his message. Look what people did with Jesus’ message, there are plenty of people who will twist something someone said that had good intentions to fit their fucked up world view.
I will punch down at INCELs every chance I get, they are fuckin’ toxic.
SOME of them are toxic. Those who punch down, seem to get really sloppy, slamming or smearing everyone who has every had a problem finding a mate in this jacked up system we have today.
I fear this fad of hating on incels could lead us to ignore real isssues.
That said, again, that issue has very little to do with Jordan Peterson. Or him with it. That they are discussed together is more a creation of their joint enemies.
He adopted Christianity recently, but he doesn't ask anyone to follow him. He offers his opinion on topics and people can choose whether they take those opinions to heart. Millions have.
shareDo you have a source for that, because the most recent statements I can find are him still using non-committal weasel phrases like "I believe in the idea of following what Jesus represents".
shareI think this is one. Pretty sure this is a video by him on the topic if you want to search his archives.
I'm guessing Russian Orthodox. Seriously.
shareI don't think he is one but I get what you mean by the feel.
He has the mannerisms and the draw of a cult leader and I guess he could become one. But at the moment I don't see signs of him actually being one.
Why? If you hate him because you can’t argue with his logic, just say so.
shareYou used two words the robots don't understand--argue (they believe arguing is calling someone a racist and then rewarding themselves with a gallon of ice cream and new pink hair dye to celebrate their angelic levels of tolerance) and logic, which they actively campaign against because logic is a "white patriarchal construct."