How does this effect his ability to judge a professional models beauty?

This chick has a mom bod and she's on the cover of a swim suit edition magazine.


and still looks way hotter than JPs wife


I'd hope so, every woman on the planet under the age is 25 is better looking than a 60yr old woman with cancer.

You are assuming that men can marry whom ever they want. The supply of hot women does not equal demand. This reality does not nullify our judgement of another women's beauty, least of all a swim suit 'super' model.


she looks horrible in ugly photos. its about her facial structure. not any sort of disease;

the best art is guaranteed you are others on here are fat 50 years olds who haven't seen their dick in a decade. talking about how hot women arent


You did not address anything i said.


"the best art is guaranteed you are others on here are fat 50 years olds who haven't seen their dick in a decade. talking about how hot women arent"

WTF????? If you can't be honest, at least try to be articulate, "leo"....


omg it was "art" instead of part" and ti changed "and others" to "are others". and filling in one letter and word change was too much for you brain! hahahahahaha


Right? This fucking dildo just tried to give me a lesson in English when he can’t even construct basic sentences 🤣

If you want a good laugh check it out here:


BAHAHAHAHA you ran like a bitch after getting embarrassed and writing "gut-bustungly"

now you are begging ego to back you up. Ego did the same retarded thing as you. had no argument, became a grammatical nitpicker, then mixed up what a comma vs apostrophe was. then tried to edit the comment, but someone else had already quoted and exposed him. he also fled like a bitch after that embarrassing little act.


Err, no dickhead, I didn’t write ‘gut-bustungly’, you imagined I did and pulled it out of your ass because the humiliation of you trying to teach English to someone when you can’t even write basic English yourself finally dawned on you.

Everyone is watching your retarded ass trying to dig yourself out of this hole and the cringe just keeps getting worse.

You might be the biggest fucktard on this site - at least you’ve achieved that.



I screenshotted it :) you want the link? I can create one on imgur


Great, let’s see it…


how could I imagine it when I copy and pasted your entire paragraph. I didnt rewrite it. should I create the link?


Knock yourself out 👍🏻


you sure went quiet quickly hahahahahahah. sad fucking coward knows he edited the comment. how sad you are/ a pathetic little worm


Dumb bitch, you’re the one who’s gone quiet - where’s this ‘screenshot’ you promised..?


"Leo", why are you so gutless? What are you so scared of?

This is just a Web site. Nobody can hurt you.

Give it a rest, pal.

And get off the steroids. That's what you should be afraid of, not anonymous forum people.


yes if I defend myself im gutless. what a sad fucking loser you are.

remember when you were a grammatical nitpicker. and then you messed up and mixed up comma and apostrophe. and tried to hide it but someone already caught you LOL.

I never could have destroyed you as bad as you destroyed and forever tarnished yourself that day. looks like we got another retard following in your footsteps.

he was losing so he went the grammar nazi route, then self owned sooooooooo hard


You know and I know that I didn't try to hide it. I admitted my mistake. Plain and simple.

But that's not the issue. Your real problem is that you're one frightened, panicky dude, and it shows in every post you write.

The steroids are messing you up.


except you did. because you didnt write anything about your mistake in the next post. you edited but someone caught you. you got caught, plain and simple, you tried to edit the post rather then write a second one admitting it.

soo how fucking sad is that that your entire raison d'etre imploded in your face and you tarnished yourself forever. how sad you cant ever use that angle again. what do you have left? oh nothing, you are an empty shell


The steroids are messing with your memory as well. I wrote an admission of my mistake. I edited it after it had been pointed out. I'm not afraid to admit my mistakes.

See, unlike you, I'm not on steroids, so I don't suffer from paranoia and persecution mania.

You do realise that that's what's happening to you, don't you?


nope someone called you out, posting it. I called you out. then it was undeniable. again you could have simply done a reply. you didn't. you edited the comment first. and tried to hide.

thats fucking pathetic. your delusions are truly getting bad. you've tarnished yourself beyond anything. maybe make a new account because no one recovers from that level of fail


I'm still here, pal. I'm not going anywhere. I wrote a reply. I'm not writing another one.

And, speaking of delusions getting bad, you might want to look seriously into the side effects of those steroids you're taking. Every single post you write is manic. Do you realise that? You come across as a frightened, nervous nutcase frantically fighting off his "persecutors".

This might help:


what does somone do when 100% of their personality is based on grammatical nitpicking. and then fails soooooo monumentally, they will never live down that embarrassing moment.

ummm persecutors? where have ever said im being persecuted? you failed massively, I pointed it out. no persecution. Drooch also failed.

you sound retarded. you are using words you don't understand. hey man next post say "im gaslighting you". thats a favourite among idiots.


I don't know what "gaslighting" means. I don't bother to keep up with all the buzzwords.

Anyway, check out that site. It's pretty obvious that you need to do something about your steroid problem, because it's getting pretty bad. I'm not the only one who's noticed it.


hahah cant answer again. sad loser strikes again.

yes thats why you obsess over it. its your new angle. your entire grammar nitpicking facade was destroyed and you will never recover so now its "da steroids"

how pathetic is your life? are you financially poor or just a sad person with no prospect in general.


Not that I give a fuck about your well-being, since I have zero respect for the intelligence of anyone who even considers taking steroids, but here's some info that might fix you.

Health Risks:

Many serious side effects and health risks are involved with using steroids. Early symptoms of steroid abuse are, serious cystic acne, significant, sudden increases in body weight, headaches, dizziness, severe leg and abdominal cramping, and premature hair loss.

The entire body is affected by steroid use. Health risks involving the cardiovascular system include, cholesterol modifications, heart disease, anaphylactic shock, high blood pressure, septic shock, and even death.

Effects to the reproductive system include, genital atrophy, genital swelling, sexual dysfunction, sterility, impotence, prostate enlargement, fetal damage, and menstrual irregularities. The liver and kidneys are under constant attack by steroids.

Effects to the liver include, cancer, jaundice, tumors, and Pelosis hepatitis. Damage to the kidneys includes, kidney stones, kidney disease, and kidney malfunctions. Taking steroids can also affect your skin. Acne, oily skin, rashes, purple or red spots on the body, hives, increased body hair, baldness, and increased facial hair in women.

Other side effects include edema bone pain, nausea, chills, diarrhea, insomnia, deepening of the voice, and changes in bowel and urinary habits.

Steroids can also affect the user psychologically. They can become depressed, aggressive, and very hostile. Some athletes are so aggressive that they have to use tranquilizes when not competing to cope with their hostility.


yes we get it this is your new schtick. just like the grammatical nitpicking. til that blew up in your face :)

so again how pathetic is your life. when you make that your entire personality. and then crash and burn so hard.


Still would rather hit it than his wife.


I'm seen some moronic takes on this site, but you're really upping the ante here.


maybe JP should take his own damn advice. get his own house in order before calling other people ugly.


Why? How are the two even remotely related? Does his statement somehow become invalid if you don't find his wife attractive? Can you really not see how stupid you sound right now?


you seem pretty slow, possibly medically so. ill explain it in simpler terms that even a dull wit can understand.

he said "sorry, not beautiful. and no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that"

so I simply said "ya JP is one to talk with his ugly wife"

except I didn't go full tard and blame "the authoritarian left or right". again its hilarious him calling a moderately attractive person "not beautiful" while his wife looks like And Rands uglier sister


So then, your belief is that a person's opinion only matters if you find his wife to be beautiful. Got it.


no my point is literally in the title and following sentence of my OP. care to read it again dull wit?


You just keep fcking up, don't you, "leo"......


umm okay.. good one. no point given. just a comment that means nothing!


That's extremely shallow and pretty sexist. Women are not ornaments and not everyone marries for looks. By all accounts they are a strong family and have gone through hell.

As for his original comment, there is irrefutable scientific evidence that obesity is not just unhealthy but often deadly or at least life-shortening. Especially in the age of COVID. Anyone who celebrates it or tries to adjust modern beauty standards to include obese people is either a villain or a moron.


"That's extremely shallow and pretty sexist. Women are not ornaments and not everyone marries for looks. By all accounts they are a strong family and have gone through hell."

if that makes me shallow and exist then so is Peterson. where did I say women are ornaments? I was calling out him.

if they've gone through hell by all accounts its due to him. lecturing others about self responsibility while being an addict

As for his original comment, there is irrefutable scientific evidence that obesity is not just unhealthy but often deadly or at least life-shortening. Especially in the age of COVID. Anyone who celebrates it or tries to adjust modern beauty standards to include obese people is either a villain or a moron.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL you went from a acting like the picture of her was saying she was the model of health back to beauty standards. you are trying to have it both ways.


Before you post any more opinions, you'll need to post a picture of your wife. Per your rules, we need to decide how much stock we can put into what you say based on how hot we think she is.


im married?

its not about stock. its about calling others ugly while having a swamp monster at home.

its like the guy chirping others for only benching 235lbs. while he cant even do 80lbs.


It is nothing like that at all.

He's stated a fact. Fat women are unattractive. Why does it matter what his wife looks like? The two are unrelated.

To fix your example: it's like a guy in a wheelchair saying that running on a treadmill is effective cardio exercise. Then you walk in and say "lol he's in a wheelchair! He can't even run! He better shut his crippled as up lol!"


she's not even huge

" Why does it matter what his wife looks like? The two are unrelated." and ugly as fuck women like his wife are too. It makes me call into question JPs thinking.

noo.... because the wheelchair bound person saying the guy who can run 15k has bad cardio. while he get winded rolling across the room.

look how hard you are sipping JP. are you just a weak male or like most of his fans have no father figure?


I don't even know who this guy is. I'm only pointing out the complete lack of logic in you think is some sort of brilliant observation you've made.

Peterson isn't saying no one can or should love a fat or unattractive woman. He isn't saying that only a loser loves a fat chick. He's pointing out the fact that Sports Illustrated put a fat chick on the cover of their magazine for political reasons. You are still free to bang all the fat chicks you want. No one is judging you.


he said its "woke authoritarian tyranny" yet gin tryna for Peterson to do something. his schtick is old and nonsense. and why? cause a slightly large, albeit hot chick is on Sports illustrated. and here you are simping for him. how pathetic man. what a beta you are

imagine saying Jp's wife is ugly is the worse. crying about "woke tyranny" is great though


Slightly large??? She's a cellulite factory on her way to bad knees, high blood pressure and heart disease. All that is very sad and unattractive to sexually functional men. Slightly large. Ha.

JP's wife... are you aware people age? Even your sacred cow on the cover will age and look worse. We all do.


LOOOL the obsession of health trying to link this to act like sports said she was the epitome of health.

hahahah buddy I guarantee im more sexually functioning and in better shape than you. I was working out at 430 am while you slept in cause you ate a bag of Doritos.

Jps wife facial structure is horendeous. ive tried to find young pictures of her, but even younger pics she looks horrible. squinty eyes, huge cheeks. a massive hawkish nose. she has literally every single feauture almost ever culture considers ugly.

tammy Peterson never looked 1/4 as good as this woman


it's fine if you prefer heavier, but I'm talking about the basic reproductive level of sexual attraction: is my mate HEALTHY and able to produce healthy offspring? it's why we'd rather bork a 22 year old than a 70 year old, or thin and healthy over a gluttonous pig.

i'm on the team that JP's wife looks have nothing to do with him calling out the whole "fat is beautiful" thing. seems you hate JP and just want to run him down.... via his wife? everyone gets older and doesn't look hot anymore. that's life.

that SS pic is just to sell controversy


LOOOL im sure you go up to a women and say "what's your BMI. I need to check. also ill need to measure your hips. ohh and with your BMI test ill need to factor in muscle vs fat because u need you produce healthy offspring

HHAHAHAHAHAAHAH what kinda pathetic loser incel fuck are you

also you went from the fat is healthy. to the fat is beautiful thing. because you had nothing and I called you out on it.

it works both ways. the ideal "male mate" body would be a runner or soccer player. Yet reality is far more complicated. because most people arent incels like you tryna get a whif of their partners junk to make sure their "vaginal flora is conductive to a baby"

what happened bitch? taking about sexually functioning men like you are one when you couldn't even spot me at the gym


do you ever read what you write? wow. lotta weird, unrelated stuff going on there. again, the name calling really says it all. well done. :)


its directly thanked to what you wrote. but nice copt out. you have nothing


You didn't read that one either, obviously.

Might be a good idea for you to bow out gracefully from this thread. You keep posting typo gibberish, and that discredits you.


LOLOLL do you know what discredit even means clown boy? aww you sure do live on here. your life must be so pathetic


It's definitely not as pathetic as yours is, sunshine. I've got absolutely no doubt about that.

And if you don't know what "discredit" means, pal, there's always google.


LOL YOU LIVE ON HERE hhahahahahahhahahahahahahha


I do spend some time here, laughing boy.

Unlike you, I spend it constructively.

You, when you're not wanking at yourself at the gym, spend it destructively. And, I might add, pointlessly.


you live on here clown.

except you don't. you said I "lost all credibility" for saying JPs wife was ugly.

so if me calling someone ugly does that, how about JP? LOL someones mad they are a fat useless slob.

"You, when you're not wanking at yourself at the gym, spend it destructively. And, I might add, pointlessly."

wait first im gay now im wanking it at myself and spending time destructively hahahahahahhahahahaha. you are all over the place clown boy.

its called self discipline. and I didnt need a fake father figure like JP to tell me to be disciplines. which weak males like you flock to.


I'm beginning to think that you're deliberately writing illiterate posts just to piss me off, "leo". Well, I can tell you, it's working.

You're not worth arguing with, man. Maybe scale back the gym attendance, and possibly the steroids, too??

I'm done.


why are you using comma's wrong. grammar nazis should maybe use it correctly. why would there be a pause after with or steroids?

another idiot




keep simping for JP. I am sorry you were born a weak male. Maybe one day you will find a passion, other than being a failed grammar nazi, who cant even use proper grammar.

sad ball licker


"Maybe scale back the gym attendance, and possibly the steroids, too??"

why was there a question mark? this was a statement not a question dumb fuck. why was there pauses.

I love grammar nazis. they tend to be the ones making mistakes. but since they lack intellectually all they can do is nitpick


"you go up to a women and say "what's your BMI. I need to check. also ill need to measure your hips. ohh and with your BMI test ill need to factor in muscle vs fat because u need you produce healthy offspring."

You stupid bloody fool...

What you wrote there is precisely what men do, but we do it subliminally! That's precisely why obese woman don't get as much attention as normal-sized women. Is this starting to sink in yet?

I think you're spending too much time in your gym, admiring yourself and jerking off to your reflection in the wall mirrors. Might be time to get out in the real world.

Your earnest defending of fat chicks, while skinning alive a normal woman, is a giveaway, to me, that you're a narcissistic gym junkie trying desperately to disguise his homosexuality. You're like, "See, I'm not gay! I even like obese chicks!"



we down actually. because as I clearly laid out female beauty standards vary massively, from culture to culture and timeframe to time frame.

WHERE DID I "skinning alive a normal woman,". lol quotation please

""you're a narcissistic gym junkie trying desperately to disguise his homosexuality."

hahahhahahahhahahaha self projects more. i actually don't like obese chicks. try again. this time make a point thats coherent and based in reality :)


What does, "we down actually" mean? You sound a bit desperate to deny your true nature, and it shows..


Of course beauty standard vary across culture and time, but leftist who celebrate obesity are still wrong and let me explain why.

Men are naturally attracted to women that display health. It is what makes perfect sense evolutionarily. Healthy women are more likely to give birth to healthy offspring. What is healthy is relative in different times. Back when caloric restriction was a huge obstacle for survival, people were logically attracted to women who were bigger because that's what increased their chances of passing on their genes. Today when all of us have plenty of food and in fact many of us eat too much that is no longer the case. Today obesity is (justifiably) seen as unhealthy and thus unattractive. Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to be perceived by men to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival. It makes perfect sense for men to be repelled by that. For the same reason men are put off by women who don't shave or shower.

Another reason why this "body positivity" is self defeating and purposeless is because it just flips the victims. Say you would be able to make men become attracted to more overweight women by massive conditioning despite the natural tendency in opposite direction. All it would happen is the underweight women who have trouble putting on weight would become the next victims of society. Beauty standards always have to be geared in a certain direction and some people will always get the short end of the stick. What these feminist and sexual communists want is all types of women to be equally attracted by most men, which will never happen. You can't have equality and justice in any kind of beauty standards, something will always be seen as more attractive as something else and someone will always be a "victim". Interestingly enough, these feminist don't care about short, bald or unconfident men who have trouble getting women. You don't see them fighting "height and hairline" beauty standards.


who is celebrating obesity? you dont have to be a rake to be beautiful to people.

"en are naturally attracted to women that display health. It is what makes perfect sense evolutionarily. Healthy women are more likely to give birth to healthy offspring. What is healthy is relative in different times. Back when caloric restriction was a huge obstacle for survival, people were logically attracted to women who were bigger because that's what increased their chances of passing on their genes. Today when all of us have plenty of food and in fact many of us eat too much that is no longer the case."

please show me the evolutionary change since we had access to food that changed our perception. ill wait for your peer reviewed study

"Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival. It makes perfect sense for men to be repelled by that. For the same reason men are put off by women who don't shave or shower. "

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH what? some of the best moms ive ever met are fat. wtf are you talking about

im not even going to address the rest. you are a fucking clown. as usual you post pseudo science nonsense. get fucked you Neo nazi scum. shame the allies didnt wipe out your family


who is celebrating obesity? you dont have to be a rake to be beautiful to people.

The left is celebrating obesity. Look around you. This very thread you posted is about a woman who is obese being celebrated for her obesity.

please show me the evolutionary change since we had access to food that changed our perception. ill wait for your peer reviewed study

I don't have to show you any studies to know that men today are turned off by unhealthy things in women. It's basic evolutionary psychology. But it's something you leftist morons deny, so It will never get through your thick stubborn skull.

what? some of the best moms ive ever met are fat. wtf are you talking about

Personal anecdotes are worthless. Men are turned off by obese women in our society for the same reasons they are turned off by women who are lazy and don't take care of their bodies.

you are a fucking clown. as usual you post pseudo science nonsense. get fucked you Neo nazi scum. shame the allies didnt wipe out your family

Nope, I'm just someone who says common sense, which happens to be outside the Overton window due to leftist manipulation. That's why appear "Nazi" to leftist morons like yourself. Establishment shills like you who don't think for themselves but swallow everything they're told by the media and their hippie college professor are the cause of 99% of problems in the world.


LOL you gave me nothing. that body type is still celebrated in poorer countries. thats not evolution., that culture you dumb fuck. wow Neo nazis really are retards

soo all the fat moms you know are bad moms? its almost like getting pregnant makes you gain weight! its almost like thats the correleation/. got any studies that fat people are bad parents? or you get that "info" from the same place you get everything else? made-up pulled out your ass

yess common sense that says fat women are bad moms. rather than "ohh wow pregnancy is probably one of the single most weight gaining events in someone's life

you are fucking stupid buddy. nope you re a legit Neo nazi scum. soo sad your family wasn't wiped out by the allies


body type is still celebrated in poorer countries. thats not evolution., that culture you dumb fuck

That's precisely my point you idiot. Ask yourself why it's poor countries but not rich ones.

soo all the fat moms you know are bad moms? its almost like getting pregnant makes you gain weight! its almost like thats the correleation/. got any studies that fat people are bad parents? or you get that "info" from the same place you get everything else? made-up pulled out your ass

yess common sense that says fat women are bad moms. rather than "ohh wow pregnancy is probably one of the single most weight gaining events in someone's life

I didn't say fat women make bad moms, I said men are turned off by far women because they perceive them as lazy and neglectful. I have to spell my argument to you because you are too stupid to get it.



Yes and in our countries only a few decades ago a fat ass was bad, skinny like a rake with big tits was hot. even a super skinny body isnt ideal for pregnancy. a larger one (although not massively obese) is ideal. it's why your body packs on the weight to help support and grow the baby

"It is what makes perfect sense evolutionarily"

your own words retard. so which is it?

" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."


"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

wow you re fucking stupid. gotta love the "master race". a clown who doesn't remember 2 minutes ago and cant scroll up.

shame the allies didnt wipe your family out.


Yes it was how EVOLUTION and it's propensities can shape cultural beauty standards depending on the environment. You are too dumb to get my point.

" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."


"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

Would you be attracted to a woman that smokes, takes drugs and doesn't take care of her health? My point was that men are naturally turned off by that for evolutionary reasons. Every evolutionary psychologist would agree with me.

God you are stupid.


NOPE its purely culture. if a very fat person can be seen as ideal body shape. and massively skinny can too, thats purely cultural. both cannot her be ideal evolutionarily for baby production

Would you be attracted to a woman that smokes, takes drugs and doesn't take care of her health? My point was that men are naturally turned off by that for evolutionary reasons. Every evolutionary psychologist would agree with me.

nice back peddle you Neo nazi scum. here you go! your own quotes!

"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

SO man up for once in your pathetic life. and admit this is what you said. what is it with the conservatives on here being weak little bitches. if this is how cowardly you are online I couldn't imagine in person. sad little Neo nazi beta male


Oh god you STILL don't get it. Evolution creates propensities towards attraction to what is seen as healthy. Environment determines what is healthy (obesity or being skinny). People in abundant environments perceive obesity as unhealthy and those in scarce environments as healthy. That was my point.
I've never encountered anyone so stupid, I would have to repeat myself 3 times to get a simple point.

I didn't say women who are fat are bad moms, I said they are perceived by such as men for evolutionary reasons.


yes we can be attracted. that has nothing to do with cultural influence. if everyone in society is taught ketchup is the best, and mustard is disgusting. the chances are most people will like ketchup

NOTHING TO DO WITH EVOLUTION. same with attraction

NO you didnt you pathetic scum

"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

what a sad little bitch cant even man up and say "yes I did say that"


Noting I see in your post is addressing my argument.

You literally said what we see as attractive has nothing to do with evolution which is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Even most leftie college professors would disagree with this.

Take big butts for example. Decades ago big butts were seen as unattractive. Later that changed and bigger buts became attractive. Leftist say that proves that proves that natural propensities have nothing to do with what is seen as attractive, but that's a logical fallacy. Men are naturally wired to be attracted to things that are seen as feminine and healthy. In the past, big butts were seen as a sign of obesity, so they were seen as unhealthy. Later with the rise of Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian, big butts became associated with femininity (since women naturally store more fat in the but). Culture and environment determines what we associate with what, but it still has to trigger some natural propensities. It would be very hard to create a culture where women with unsymmetrical faces are seen as attractive. That's because people are naturally wired to prefer symmetry.


" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

what a sad little bitch cant even man up and say "yes I did say that"



That wasn't the point. What I meant is men perceive them that way. You're derailing because you don't have any arguments. You lost.


which you didnt say at all..... no where was any mention of perception. you were making a statement.

not derailing. this is the topic. again
" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

MAN UP YOU BITCH. lol superior white race my ass. you are a fucking weak coward


Women who are fat are probably indeed more likely to neglect their children. Obesity is associated with lower IQ and other mental health issues. Children of parents who smoke tend to pick up smoking and children of parents who eat a lot of junk food are more likely to end up eating it too.


LOOOOLLLL. newsflash buddy. being pregnant, makes you fat. most women gain 25-35 lbs. their body then tries to maintain some of that as they nurse.

LOLLL all this is the most pseudo science nonsense ive ever read. seems like you never looked up causation vs correation LOLLL

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA now contradicting yourself again! what's that? the third time? here's your nonsense comments in order

" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

"That wasn't the point. What I meant is men perceive them that way."

"Women who are fat are probably indeed more likely to neglect their children."

pathetic neo nazi scum strikes again


Nope not all women who are fat are so due to being pregnant and you know it. Stop deliberately mudding the waters.

If I was to told you one of these two groups is more likely to neglect their children. Either fat women or women who are normal weight, what would you guess? We know obesity is associated with lower IQ.

I've never contradicted myself. You're putting words into my mouth and misquoting me.


id say they are just as likely you dumb fuck


Then you'd be doing a very stupid guess. I would say your mother is fat that's why you are so sensitive on that issue. Fat women being bad moms. Or your wife is fat. It's definitely one of the two.


no id be doing a very normal human guess, as as I said, most women gain 25-35lbs. meaning they can go from a healthy wait, to literally obese shut by being pregnant

you are so fuckign stupid it hurts nazi scum. shame your mother wasnt wiped out by the allies


Most normal weight women who gain weight after pregnancy lose it. Stop mudding the waters between obese and non obese women. These are two separate groups.

I've seen some other of your debates with other people. All you do is call people Nazis. Remember all those right wingers who call everyone "commies"? That's what you are.


nope most keep some of the weight. again welcome to reality. also show me as tidy saying they are bad moms.

also NOPE ive made it clear to others you are literally the only person ive ever called a nazi on this site. because you are a sad Neo nazi.

and everyone here knows your re a disgusting Neo nazi. again shame your family wasnt wiped out like they clearly deserved

from the most unremarkable person on here. from the most unremarkable nation thats contributed nothing


Keeping some of the weight is not the same thing as being obese, you imbecile.

No, you call everyone and everything Nazi, i've looked at just a few of your posts here in this thread against other people.

I'm no Nazi, I believe in democracy, I'm just right wing which to you leftie morons is all Nazi.

My country contributed A LOT considering it's size, certainly more than Black countries.


link me a single post of me calling anyone a nazi

name two things your country has contributed to greater humanity


Your post from another debate in this very thread:

"why are you using comma's wrong. grammar nazis should maybe use it correctly. why would there be a pause after with or steroids?

another idiot"



yes a grammar nazi is somone who nitpicks over grammar



Which proves my point you call everyone a Nazi inclluding people who just complain about grammar.


no a "grammar nazi" is a well accepted term you dumb fuck.

it has nothing to do with any sort of nazi ideology like you. its used to describe anyone who nitpicks over grammar.


buddy stick to Slovenien

your understanding of English is fuckgn horendeous clown boy.

I wonder how poor you are too. you are clearly a bitter racist scumbag. you prob blame minorities for your shitty situation. shame the allies didnt wipe your family out


You call people Nazis because everything is Nazi to you. You've proven my point.


nope I called someone a grammar nazi because thats a common usage when somone nitpicks over grammar.

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA the sad Neo anzi is crumbling, and cant show me calling anyone a nazi. fuck you are pathetic man. again shame your sad weak lineage wasnt wiped out. a scumbag Neo nazi like you never would have been for and the world would have been better

how poor are you> do you blame minorities for your poverty? are you alone? is that why you resent everyone else? your existence is soo sad


Minorities are the cause of most problems in America. Prove me wrong.



the sad nazi scum.

do us all a favour


Saying politically incrrect truths does not make one a nazi. Moron.


no pushing nazi eugenics does though. follow hitlerws lead :)


I never followed Hitler. There's nothing wrong with eugenics. It improves the world.


sooo you should follow him. and his last day. he makes a good example for you.

thats the way all nazi scum should go out.


bahahhaha even you realized you are a fucking snake, and slithered your way into that contradicting yourself 3 times.

how pathetic you cant man up though and admit you are wrong


I've never contradicted myself. Go fuck yourself moron.


" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

"That wasn't the point. What I meant is men perceive them that way."

"Women who are fat are probably indeed more likely to neglect their children."

except you have and you know it. but you arent man enough to admit it you Neo nazi scum.


My original quote:
"Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to be perceived by men to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival"

You just misquoted me


" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

"That wasn't the point. What I meant is men perceive them that way."

"Women who are fat are probably indeed more likely to neglect their children."

yess s then you fully double down and do say women who are obese are bad moms. another fail clown


Stop misquoting me and taking my quotes out of context.


" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

"That wasn't the point. What I meant is men perceive them that way."

"Women who are fat are probably indeed more likely to neglect their children."

literally your re saying they make bad moms.

also got any studies showing fat moms are bad?


Again misquoting me and taking my quotes out of context. I made a pretty good case for my thesis, even you can't argue against it, that's why you've abandoned debating the original point and descended into childish name calling and misquoting game.

Men preferring thin women has evolutionary causes.


you didnt make any case. you made fucking ntujob assertions with no evidence. comparing them to drug addicts.

not out of context. right now you re literally arguing they make bad moms. while saying you didnt. soo where did I call another person a nazi once? you are a sad fucking liar from a weak family clearly. gotta lvl theres "white supremacists"

they are always the weakest people in society.

" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

"That wasn't the point. What I meant is men perceive them that way."

"Women who are fat are probably indeed more likely to neglect their children."


Men preferring thin women has evolutionary causes. I've won the debate. You don't even attempt to argue otherwise.

Enjoy your morbidly obese fat mother and your land whale wife, moron. I'm done here.


why do you keep lying about what you said? what a sad little bitch you are

" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

"That wasn't the point. What I meant is men perceive them that way."

"Women who are fat are probably indeed more likely to neglect their children."


Because you are misquoting me and taking my words out of context because you can't debate my original point which is evolution and men's beauty preferences. If you ignore the main arguments and proceed into a quote mining game, you admit you've lost the debate.


NOPE. your posts show you contradicting yourself

" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

"That wasn't the point. What I meant is men perceive them that way."

"Women who are fat are probably indeed more likely to neglect their children."

how sad you cant man up for once. master race? you are a weak scumbag and everyone knows it here. sad bitches like you have to make up for their own pathetic existence by attaching to some surpremacy movement. its psychology 101. project your own weakness


So you reply to my point that you are misquoting me and taking and quote mining me, by misquoting me and quote mining me.

That's not what I said, and you are avoiding my point because you can't argue with it.


nope those are your quotes. contradicting yourself!

il post them again because you arent a fuckign man. you are a fucking anzi scumbag

" Also women who tend to neglect heir own bodies are more likely to neglect their own children and thus reduce the chances of their survival."

"I didn't say fat women make bad moms, "

"That wasn't the point. What I meant is men perceive them that way."

"Women who are fat are probably indeed more likely to neglect their children."

how pathetic is your life? that you cant even own up to your own quotes man? what a coward bitch you have to be LOL. ive never met someone that weak in my life. but again based on the fact you are a Neo nazi scumbag, it makes sense


Nope, The first quote is wrong. I said they are perceived to be this way by men. You've misquoted me. Others are taken out of context.

All you can do is quote mine people, because you've lost the overall debate. Pathetic.


which is then contradicted! by your other quotes!

'"Women who are fat are probably indeed more likely to neglect their children."

HENCE MY POINT. you are all over the place nazi scumbag. do the world a favour


I said probably. It makes logical sense that they are. And besides, that wasn't the point. You're taking it out of context, because you can't argue the overall issue. You've lost the debate.

Keep calling everything Nazi, idiot.


yes and? you said probably. DEMONSTRATE THAT.

"Women who are fat are probably indeed more likely to neglect their children."

you make bald ass claims and dont provide evidence

you dont know what the fuck you are talking about


You don't have to provide evidence if you say probably for a logical claim, you moron. If I say people who have been going to the gym for more than 6 months are probably stronger than people who have been going for less than 6 months, I don't have to provide a study that proves this is the case.

Enjoy your morbidly obese girlfriend.


yes YOU DIDNT PROVIDE EVIDENCE of your claims.

you just make bald ass assertions.

do us all a favour nazi scum. it was the only good idea hitler had


I don't have to because I said "probably" and the claim is logical. You don't even attempt to argue the overall issue, because you don't have any arguments. You just want to keep playing the quote mining and ad hominem game. Pathetic.


saying "probably" doesnt let you escape anything.

its just a sad cop out you are trying to do because you re such a weak bitch.

I dont have to argue. the burden of proof is ON YOU

its like me saying you are a probably a pedophile. then claiming I dont have to back it up because I said probably. then say you have to prove your rent

thats the dumbest fucking thing in the world

so of course a Neo nazi like yo would say that LOL


I don't have to provide evidence because it MAKES SENSE LOGICALLY. We know less intelligent people are more likely to be obese and we know less intelligent people are more likely to be neglectful. And if you say "probably" to something that makes perfect logical sense, you don't have to provide proof.



theres nothing about someone being fat makes them a bad mom.

how do you measure that?

is somone with 20% body fat a worse parent than a mom with 25%? is she 5% worse? how does that work

you re saying the dumbest fucking thing ive ever heard



The claim is about AVERAGES you dumb fuck. That's not saying that "someone being fat makes them a bad mom".

God you are too stupid to know how averages work.


its 9am in your shithole country nd you are living your life on MC already hahahahahhahahahahahahaha

you also always answer within a minute, no matter what time

what is living on welfare life 'master race"


Slovenia has a GDP per capita PPP equal to that of Japan. It has higher HDI than the richest country in the world. Yet it's a shithole.

But Black countries which are all dirt poor and drown in crime and corruption are not shitholes. Nice logic.

I am going to work in a few minutes.


america is full of blacks and have a higher gap than yours.

LOL sure you re buddy. you are living on MC all day, every day.

Slovenias GDP has nothing to do with a leech welfare loser like you scumbag nazi


America is only 13% Black and has never been more than that.

There isn't a single country rich Black country in the world.

HDI of countries:

Canada 0.929
US 0.929

Slovenia 0.917

Luxembourg 0.916
France 0.901
Italy 0.892

Romania 0.828
Bulgaria 0.816

African countries:

Botswana 0.735
South Africa 0.709
Gabon 0.703
Namibia 0.646
Sao Tomé and Príncipe 0.625
Eswatini 0.611
Ghana 0.611
Kenya 0.601
Equator Guinea 0.592
Zambia 0.584
Angola 0.581
Rep of Congo 0.574
Zimbabwe 0.571
Cameroon 0.563
Benin 0.545
Uganda 0.544
Rwanda 0.543
Nigeria 0.539
Ivory Coast 0.538
Tanzania 0.529
Madagascar 0.528
Lesotho 0.527
Djibouti 0.524
Togo 0.515
Senegal 0.512
Sudan 0.510
Gambia 0.496
Ethiopia 0.485
Malawi 0.483
D. Rep of Congo 0.480
Guinea-Bissau 0.480
Liberia 0.480
Guinea 0.477
Eritrea 0.459
Mozambique 0.456
Burkina Faso 0.452
Sierra Leone 0.452
Mali 0.434
Burundi 0.433
South Sudan 0.433
Chad 0.398
Cent Afrn Rep 0.397
Niger 0.394

The richest African country has much lower HDI than Bulgaria.

I work, I'll be going to work in just a few minutes. Meanwhile it's night time in your country and you're still on your computer. Doesn't sound like something one would do if you had to work in the morning.


Dude's a chubby chaser. We see an ugly fat chick, he sees a beauty.


the funny thing is you re most likely 50+, obese and useless sexually


He is much shorter than her...


I think it’s best for everyone to stop taking shots at women for how they look and try to see the best qualities in them. That’s the decent thing to do


Couldn't agree more, Bea.


You don't get it. The fat land whale is being celebrated BECUSE she's fat, not despite she's fat. This is what JP has problems with. If somebody said to this "model" yeah she should lose weight, but otherwise she's not bad looking, I would have agreed with him.


yes she a bigger model. its not about fascism. JP is a joke. but I can see why he appeals to weak males like you. insecure Neo nazis who want father figures


So are you going to actually address my argument or are you just going to call people names? Celebrating obesity makes no sense on any planet. It is unhealthy on a personal level and bad for society. I don't find JP appealing at all. He opposes White identity politics which is the only thing that can defeat illegitimate bullshit minority identity politics.


LOOLLLLLLLL neo nazi scum. allies shoulda wiped you out


You don’t really need to attack her for things her dumbass husband said. I already feel bad for her having married him.


ohh agreed. I saw a convo with them two and their daughter. most awkward fucked up family ive ever seen. now im seeing a flood of ads for his crap on the dailywire. young impressionable conservatives are soo desperate for a father figure its hilarious


He’s just another silly drug addict who likes to hear himself talk. I think their trolling at this point cause I get the ads for DW+ that call him “the most intelligent man in the Western world”. Idk what’s going on with YouTube and Facebook algorithms but they should know between PragerU and DW+ ad money is being wasted on me. Could you imagine what kind of sheepish dork you’d have to be to signup for Ben Shapiro’s book club so he can give you homework on Huck Finn?!


same. im in my early 30s. but their algorithm is soooo shit they keep advertising family sized vehicles to me, and conservative politics and christian conversion videos.

I do watch a lot of politics and conservative/atheist debates, but its like their algorithm is 100% backwards

conservatives are simple.

ben Shapiro talks fast = intelligent
Peterson repackages common truisms and makes everything sound profound there = profound and intelligent


You are an ignorant cunt. Anyone with eyes can pass judgement on someone's level of attractiveness. For some reason you seem to think that everyone out there is marrying based solely on the looks of the person, which is a moronic way of thinking as the world is full of people that are attracted to others for reasons that have nothing to do with the physical appearance. And even when it is based on physical appearance there is no rule that says what I see as beautiful is what you see as beautiful.

Do I think he wife is hot? No. Of course that also ignores the fact that they married over 30 years ago so who knows what she looked like back then. Maybe she was hot as fuck back then, would that make you feel better?

Now, this may be hard for your pea brain to comprehend but whether you are married to the hottest woman in the world or the ugliest woman in the world, you can still tell that the cow on the Sports Illustrated cover was a fat ass that had as much business on a SPORTS magazine as a klansman has on the cover of a magazine on Jewish life.


"You are an ignorant cunt. Anyone with eyes can pass judgement on someone's level of attractiveness. For some reason you seem to think that everyone out there is marrying based solely on the looks of the person, which is a moronic way of thinking as the world is full of people that are attracted to others for reasons that have nothing to do with the physical appearance. And even when it is based on physical appearance there is no rule that says what I see as beautiful is what you see as beautiful. "

LOL soooo Petersons a dumb cunt? and beauty is subjective? glad you free hes a dumb cunt. that was the point

"Do I think he wife is hot? No. Of course that also ignores the fact that they married over 30 years ago so who knows what she looked like back then. Maybe she was hot as fuck back then, would that make you feel better? "

She wasnt. the point is him passing judgement on others beauty

"Now, this may be hard for your pea brain to comprehend but whether you are married to the hottest woman in the world or the ugliest woman in the world, you can still tell that the cow on the Sports Illustrated cover was a fat ass that had as much business on a SPORTS magazine as a klansman has on the cover of a magazine on Jewish life."

you re all over the place. all your criticism against me can be levelled against kermit the frog I mean Peterson. but you are so fucking stupid you cant see that.


Clearly you can't read. You are the ignorant cunt.

He said the cow on the magazine was fat and unattractive. That's a simple fact unless you are one of the chubby chasers which an ignorant cunt like you may be. I don't know. Do you like jacking off to hippos in swimsuits? More power to you, ya fucked up cunt. Now piss off and give the keyboard back to your parents.


No apparently YOU cant remember what you said 5 minuted ago. you DUMB CUNT
"He said the cow on the magazine was fat and unattractive. That's a simple fact unless you are one of the chubby chasers which an ignorant cunt like you may be. "


"And even when it is based on physical appearance there is no rule that says what I see as beautiful is what you see as beautiful. "

HAHAHA I destroyed you here dumb fuck. I guarantee the women I get wouldn't even look at you you fat ugly cunt. Gotta love all the tough guys on here. fat 50+ year old losers who advent seen their dicks in a decade hahahah
