MovieChat Forums > Jenna Ortega Discussion > NOT dating Johnny Depp



Many celebs have denied dating only to later admit to being in a relationship. Also, a Depp-Ortega relationship could be pushed by the studios as a publicity stunt.


these relationship stunts were commonplace in old hollywood.


Yeah. They were often organized by the studios. Sometimes they'd even arrange a marriage, like they did with Rock Hudson, to hide that he was gay.


"a source confirms"

After digging around, neither Jenna or Johnny have commented on what looks to be a social media hoax.

Jenna Ortega has disengaged from commenting on her private life since almost 2 years ago, so there's no statement source as the article ckains and there's no public statements from Johnny either.

This whole story has the makings of reporting someone dead who actually isn't. 😐
