Super Cute

I don't know where you people are getting that this kid is creepy. You got to remember, he is playing an 11 year old and he really is 16. I think that takes a lot of guts to do.

Plus, I think he is cute as a button. Some people just go through puberty a lot slower than most people, that is why I guess his voice is a little strange, but it works for the show.

Leave the kid alone. He's great.


The kid is FUNNY!

That is what's important to me.

Give him a break, he's gotta try acting like Adam F. Goldberg and that
CAN'T be easy!
[[[ I actually like the REAL
Adm F. Goldberg too! ]]]


I think he's cute and funny. All of the kids on "The Goldbergs" are funny.


Who said he's creepy! I'm so tired of people like that ??? 'scuse Sean for hitting puberty late. Asshats!
