elf looks
He had a great elf look in GOT. I believe he would make a great elf in the Hobbit movie. Thranduil or maybe Elladan,Elrohir..
shareHe had a great elf look in GOT. I believe he would make a great elf in the Hobbit movie. Thranduil or maybe Elladan,Elrohir..
sharewhen i read : "elf looks", at first i thought that someone meant it as "elfin" facial appearance which have ppl with williams syndrome. then i would agree 😊
i don't find him atractive at all. there's nothing noble about him. imo he's fugly and i would never change lee peace as thranduil for him or anybody else.
You don't find him attractive or noble at all?...but you're on his page. Strange. Obviously few feel the way you do because he's a very hot movie star who does look like a sexy Noble elf.
sharelol chill out :p so i must find somebody actractive or noble to check somebodys page? lol how shallow of you. i once or twice checked danny trejo and steve buscemi's pages... well, it must be weird for some... but wait. how could you possibly know who they are..
and since you also talked to "everybody" and think that he's "a very hot movie star who does look like a sexy Noble elf", then it must the truth. hope it will help you to sleep at night peacefully.
one advice: think twice before you write something and then re-read it. and think again.
since you took to heart my previous opinion to heart so deeply, even if it wounded you, maybe you take this advice too lol. when it comes to me, i couldn't care less what you think or anybody else, especialy when it comes to this dude that i don't know and don't care about [but i care for the honor and good name of the elves "desinged" by tolkien lol].
damn, you made me laugh.
Really? I align with common sense, like you know you LIKE someone or interested in that actor which is WHY you would even bother to post on their board. So Follow your OWN advice and Read/Think again before you post so you don't come across as a bitter jealous hater who posts negative things on a successful actors page all for the sake of elves. Now that's an lol to sleep on.