So what the fans didn't like her character. It's called be a mature adult, just delete your instagram and twitter and move on with your life instead of playing the victim. She took the role, she knew how obsessed the fans were she accepted the risks. There's an old saying "if you can't stand the heat you'd better stay out of the kitchen". She seriously needs to grow up and toughen up a bit if she actually thinks she'll survive in this business.
Well there’s an old saying the customers always right and I’m sure if they liked her character they wouldn’t have said those things. She needs to grow up and put her big girl pants on if she’s going to survive in the real world . A lot of people didn’t care for Katie Holmes in Batman Begins and I don’t see her pitching a fit about it
The point is you (nice sock puppet, by the way) don't have to introduce the phrases as "there's an old saying" because literally everyone who knows the English language knows them and has heard them to death. They are not wisdom of past generations, they are cliched IDIOMS of the English language and their overuse makes someone sound unwise, in fact.
I don't really care what you think about the sayings. I think if she were wise though she'd take a good hard look at herself, take some helpful advice and move on with her life.
I think NOTHING of your siblboliths. I think nothing of you. I think you are a bitch who tries to make herself aggrandized by putting down women she has never met. You based your entire tirade on “old sayings.” I Devastated your tirade. Absent your “old sayings,” you HAVE no argument, nor original thought, no personal substance, nor reason for disliking her, except for venom.
Let me guess: Kellie is way more desirable than you are.
I didn’t put down anyone, I didn’t personally attack anyone. KMT is not a victim, she wasn’t attacked personally, she just doesn’t know how to hack it because she apparently has this idea that she’s special and she only deserves to hear positive praise, well the worlds not like that and I think both her and you need to grow up and act your age.
Because she gave a bad performance and she’s a terrible actress that’s why. And people are plenty pissed at Rian Johnson who plays the victim just as much as she does
Well 'the customer is always right' never actually meant the customer was right. But it's a pretty stupid saying either way.
(And of course it's been used as a bludgeon by bad managers who don't give a shit what the customer thinks as long as they can use the phrase to claim the workers are wrong.)
They aren't being scumbags, they can say whatever they want. They weren't satisfied with her performance, she's not a victim and she needs to get over it.
Saying the idea of seeing a woman nude would make you puke just because she played a character you didn’t like in a movie doesn’t make someone a scumbag? The fact that you’re defending that behavior is quite pathetic. You come across as a bit of a misogynist.
People say dumb things all the time, that doesn't make her a victim. Also it sounds like they said that in the name of comedy so it's OK. We didn't like her performance or her character so can it with the persecution complex. A mature person would have just ignored it, but instead Kelly Marie Tran is a giant attention whore.
There are many female characters I don’t like, but I don’t go around saying I would puke if I saw the actresses nude, that has nothing to do with their characters, it’s nothing but nasty personal attacks.
It was comedy, so get over it. Also criticism is just the nature of the beast. Can't hack it then she should go back to her safe space. I refuse to feel sorry for her when she's made millions of dollars and voluntarily took the role after reading the script and knowing how obsessed the fans are. She's an immature brat.
People give me criticism in my job all the time, I take it to heart and see it as a way to better myself, I don't pitch a fit and put on a huge persecution act. I can tell you this though attacking the fans just makes people hate her more. (Daisy Ridley did this when she said "Mary Sue" was a sexist term, when her character is very much a Mary Sue. That term applies to Legolas in the Middle Earth films as well)
They aren't personal attacks, get over it. I'm sure if she A) gave a better performance, B) didn't get her panties all twisted over this then people wouldn't say the things they did.
It’s the nature of the business if she can’t hack it she should go hide in her safe space, it’s that simple. Pitching a fit like a 4 year old is only making people hate her even more
Let me clue you in on something. People are going to say things to you that you may not like, people may not be satisfied with everything you do. Pissing and moaning about it isn't going to help anything. She's acting like a child.
So where do you derive your right to be a scumbag from? Is it God-given? Is it genetic? Is it granted to all people, or just a select few? Is it a legal right or an ethical one? Is it a Confucian right or a Machiavellian one?
Is it something we can refuse to accept or is it just human nature? Are we all scumbags and only the enlightened few accept our fate?
No one is being a scumbag here except for KMT. No ones constitutional rights have been violated, KMT does not have a right to be immune from criticism, I didn't see that amendment in the constitution.
If this harassment was soooo prevalent and made her leave...then surely there is an archive of these posts that caused it all. I mean, in current year, collecting and creating post collages to prove a point is quite common. Surely these collages exist, right?
You see people call her ugly, a bitch, etc... on this site, isn’t that proof enough? If they do it now, I’m sure they did it on her social media in the past as well.
Star Wars fans are known to bully/harass characters/actors they don’t like, knowing that and seeing some of the comments about her on this site and others it is really hard to believe that she wasn’t bullied/harassed on social media.
If it's so well known that they like to "bully harass characters/actors" then I refuse to feel sorry for her, she knew what she was getting into. No one would even care about her or Rose Tico by this point if she hadn't pitched such a fit. Seriously she needs to get over it.
Kelly isn't a user on this site, and the comments here are not directly being sent to her, and therefore not harassment.
I mean the actual harassment on her social media accounts. If it actually happened, surely one of the thousands of her followers screen capped these comments as proof of said harassment.
You are claiming she was harassed so you have the burden of proof to prove she wasn't. You are trying to assert that B1cksurN has the burden of proof to prove she wasn't harassed and that's BS. Also all of the comments I have heard do not qualify as harassment.
Yeah, she has it tough alright, unless you compare her pathetic situation to that of then 8 year old Jake Lloyd . . . but Jake was white and male, so it doesn't count - who cares if he was a child.
If you're an adult, and you accept a role in a Star Wars film, you took your chances, so own your decision.
Where's the proof of her harassment anyway? Where are all these Alt-Right tweets she was getting, the voice mail messages, the stalker arrests, etc - where are they?
Exactly, no one forced her to be in the movie. She read the script she knew how obsessed the fans were and she needs to accept the consequences of her actions.
This is actually a great analogy. Whereas Jake Lloyd didn't use it to further his time in the spotlight, it's quite obvious that Kelly Tran is. It was so bad for Jake Lloyd that he started having a mental breakdown if memory serves me correctly.
What's she a victim of, Dipshit - getting PAID to represent a poorly written character, her own poor choices in roles, or SW fan harassment of which no proof has been shown?
She's not a victim of anything, she's a fucking adult.
You want a 'victim'? Look-up the story of what Jake Lloyd went through as a child due to Episode I.
Also she's not suffering online abuse, all she has to do is delete her accounts or just block the people and problem solved. She's an attention whore who wants to play the victim.
That you cannot argue your position, or provide proof of the alleged wrong you suppose to defend basically makes you're a fucking hypocrite, which itself is a cardinal sign of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
But why get all clinical, at the end of the day you're just a typical SJW Tampon - big on attitude, light on substance.
No one is being racist or misogynistic, we didn't like her character. She's the one pitching a fit and throwing a temper tantrum because she wasn't told how special she was. Very immature on her part.
I never attacked her, I gave her some very helpful advice: Grow up, quit playing the victim and start acting like an adult.
The fans who paid money to see her movie clearly weren't satisfied with the performance, she isn't entitled to praise for everything she does, she isn't that special.
Exactly, she's pretending that she's being persecuted while at the same time is making millions of dollars. She is a narcissist, she is a snowflake, and by the SJW logic she is setting back all of the progress of the feminist movement.
LOL guess she sucks at being a "strong female character" when it really matters.
This new generation of actors seems to think that they are automatically entitled to positive reviews and fanfare. A lot of famous and revered actors from the past generation have had to go through the experience of being ridiculed or having their performance harshly criticized, but I can't seem to recall someone like Brad Pitt for example complaining that the critics and fans didn't like one of his performances. I think someone like him understands you need to be able to take criticism and that it is inevitable in the long term over the span of an entire career, and if you're a good actor then most fans and critics are going to just remember the good films you were in.
Kelly Tran, Lashana Lynch and others seem to just think that they deserve praise by virtue of being movie stars. Any criticism against them is some sort of prejudice. They aren't willing to take criticism or experience failure; they just want the fame and praise now rather than working for it.
I also think part of the problem is that these performers are accepting any and every role that gets offered to them without really reading the script in detail and making a judgement about if the character is good or if they are the right person for the role. If Kelly Tran was such a great actress, maybe she would have had the confidence to reject this role after reading the script because she would know that better roles would be coming her way and she doesn't need to reduce herself to Rose Tico. Or she might have realized that she's not a great actress and that this was too big of an opportunity to pass up. Unfortunately for her, I don't think she will be in very many films in the future, and she will likely be out of the industry entirely within five years. That will be her fault, not people who pay to see movies and have an opinion.
Spot on some actors also ignore the fact studios are using them for social acceptance of their films, everyone knew from day one that she was added just to appease the Asian market (and it didn't work).
It's funny how there should actually be plenty of diversity in this galaxy far far away, but it seems to just be filled with carbon copy liberals who hang out in L.A.
Reported. I am not dealing with harassment of actors. Criticism is one thing no one has a right to attack someone personally. I do not buy this oh it comes with the territory nonsense. Someone can be critiqued without being harassed. She makes millions of dollars but at the end of the day she is still a human being. I get it you did not like her performance, move on. It is just a movie, not a cure for cancer.
Yet I’m not the one who launched these so called personal attacks. All I said was that she should get over it. You attacked me for simply having a personal opinion. And yes if she’s going to be in the public spotlight she needs to learn how to take the punches.
You said it comes with the territory, which means you condone it. So no sorry that is unacceptable. What personal attack or insult did I lob at you? Go ahead and scroll through our conversation and link me to where I insulted you.
What personal attack did I log against KMT? None, all I said is that she should get over it and act like a mature adult. You are throwing a fit because I don’t agree with you which makes you equally immature.
As I thought you could provide no insult. Which means you made an empty statement. I did not say you personally attacked her. I said I am not dealing with harassment against actors. You condone people attacking her person. I do not and will not ever support that. I do not care if she is rich, she is still a human being.
Exactly I never harassed her which means you have no grounds to report me. Let me give you a little lesson: in life not everyone is going to agree with you, and throwing a temper tantrum over it is only going to make yourself look like a whiny brat. I also never said anyone deserves to be harassed but when you’re in the public spotlight criticism does come with the territory, just like if I become a marine and get sent to Afghanistan getting shot at comes with the territory. Both you and KMT need to grow up and start acting your ages
You do not even know my age lol. I am not the one who condones personal attacks against people for no reason. I am not the one who needs to mature that would be you my friend.
No proof of harassment against Kelly Marie Tran anywhere. literally none.
Not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. No screenshots of tweets personally attacking her of any kind.
My god there are twitter accounts that screeenshot tweets and repost them later for proof of these things, it is basicaly there job. But there isn't any, not one, not a single archived tweet of this supposed personal attacks on her.
It is all media driven and you are falling for it.
Someone sends you a mean tweet, you ignore, block and move on. You don't cry about it and claim harassment because someone was mean to you. Well boohoo, people are mean to people all day, every day.
Wikipedia is the best you have, you are realy stretching now.
Not a sinlge piece of evidence shown in that link. Wikipedia can be changed and updated by anyone, you do realise that.
Show me one tweet attacking Kelly Marie Tran for being a woman, asian, poc, anything, just one and i will believe you.
Problem is they don't exist because she wasn't personally attacked. Her character was criticised for being crap. You and the media cannot see the distinction between the two and call any criticism of any kind against any actor as harrassment.
If I recall her instagram was deleted wasn't it? Therefore how would I go about finding those posts even I wanted to? Second this conversation was about moviechatuser condoning personal attacks. He said it comes with the territory which is a crock of crap.
He didn't condone personal attacks. You are twisting his words to suit your argument.
An actor wil be criticised, good or bad, they will be criticised. You can like it, you an dislike but you cannot stop it. Calling it harassment is childish at best and twisitng someones words is just as childish.
You do realise twitter is archived for over a decade. People and teams can call upon these tweets years after the fact, you see it all the time. There are sites dedicated to archived tweets.
But when it comes to Kelly Tran they are not there, they are not available, hmm strange that. Not once did her PR team post the any sort of name and shame campaign. Not once did the media show any proof of these tweets but they all ran the same articles saying she was harassed off twitter.
It is because they don't exist, they never did. You, the media ran a narrative of fake harrasment to push the usual SJW nonsense.
Kelly Marie Tran's character was criticised not the actress. But you keep pushing your fake narrative.
Yes he did condone personal attacks. What are you his lawyer? When he said too bad you open yourself up to personal attacks when you become an actor. Um no. Do you have a right to criticize? Yep absolutely. You do not have the right to personally attack someone though.
Thing is people want to downplay it simply because they dislike the film. I dislike the prequels but I think what was done to Jake Lloyd was terrible.
They have never been pubished, never, not by any outlet anywhere in the world.
No tweets of any kind were shown on any article, media coverage, youtube stream, anything.
But when a white guy tweeted something ten years ago that is even remotely sexist or racist it is immediatey recalled and pubished a decade later.
Again one tweet, that is all anyone is asking.
You said "You yourself said well personal attacks come with the territory" that is your quote. I have searched this whole thread and not once did he say that. So you have said something and inferred it he didn't actually say.
Maybe Kelly was being trolled by Alt-Right Korean Supremacists?
Asian cultures in general are highly 'intra-racist', with Japanese & Koreans at the top, and the Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, and Thais at the bottom.
I'm not sure where the Chinese fall in the food chain - probably depends on which area & family from China in which a person comes.
That quote wasn't aimed at you, you posted while i was typing.
You can't continue to argue because like all the other white knights, you have no argument to defend.
No proof of harassment, no tweets, no emails, no messages or data of any kind what so ever but the same narrative keeps getting pushed.
The truth of the matter is she was criticised for a terrible performance in a terrible movie and she didn't like it and played victim, pushing gender and race to protect her. The white knights and media immediately latched on to it and ran with it.
One tweet or email is all it would take to back up her story. Not even fake ones were attempted to be passed.
It has been mentioned many times, there are entire data servers and archives that catalogue and store peoples tweet history before they are deleted. Otherwise how would promanant white males get attacked by the blue checkmark twitter brigade but when it is one of there own, no tweets exist. Weird that isn't it.
What I'm putting together with all this is that Kelly & Disney were thinking of going all Jussie Smollett with the unsubstantiated accusations, then backed down.
If you are going to pitch a fit about online harassment and bullying then you shouldn't be telling people they should have been aborted. You are now no better than the people you claim harassed Kelly Marie Tran.
I personally don't care, both Kelly Marie Tran and the other user could have just blocked the person, but you have a double standard and you are a hypocrite and you need to be called out for it.
Exactly I didn't condone personal attacks, I said that she chose to put herself out there in the public spotlight and when you do that you are opening yourself up to criticisms. This person has very poor debating skills and putting words in my mouth/strawmanning seems to be the only debate topic he knows which is beyond dishonest. It's really quite pathetic.
I suspect she was more upset about her character being written out of RoSW. Being cast in a major role for SW was the biggest thing to ever happen to her professionally, and to have it all just turn to shit, through NO FAULT OF HER OWN, has to be just heartbreaking. I hope this doesn't completely derail her career as an actress.
Christopher Lee was in only one scene in Revenge of the Sith after being the main villain in the previous movie. She'll get over it, she's not entitled to be a main character.
At that point, Christopher Lee was already an acclaimed Hollywood actor with a career spanning decades, and he would find other work regardless. This was Tran's first real break. I didn't care for the Rose Tico character either, but I don't blame Tran, and I understand why she would be upset.
SW actors/actresses tend to get typecast and are unable to find work due to being in SW. This may actually HELP her career as the typecasting won't be as bad.
Harrison Ford and James Earl Jones did alright. While he played an iconic character, Mark Hamill isn't a great actor and didn't have the looks to make up for it. Carrie Fisher doesn't count as she said she didn't want the fame and didn't really seek it out.