MovieChat Forums > Tye Sheridan Discussion > I thought his Cyclops was pretty forgett...

I thought his Cyclops was pretty forgettable

Then again, so was most of the new cast. I found myself uninvested in was they were doing or what was happening to them.

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I'm not gonna fight you that hard, but you're wrong.


A novel idea. A half-@ssed fight. Sounds like fun. You... jerk! Try that one out for size!

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


Ok, if that's how you're playing it. I really didn't like James Marsden as Cyclops (I blame the writing and director) because he only acted like a jerk. Now, Cyclops can be a jerk sometimes, but there is a LOT more to him than that. I have said this on multiple boards, but my definitive Cyclops moment is during the Dark Phoenix Saga when he has a thought bubble saying that if he doesn't stay strong, he'll shatter. Tye Sheridan did a good job of showing that emotional relatability that drew me to Scott Summers in the first place.

Has it really come down to this?
