He is so cute!

I saw the preview for the lifetime TV Movie: "Blue Lagoon: The Awakening" and I'm telling you, this guy is hot.

Something about him just seems so genuinely good and his look is very attractive indeed.

He sounds like he's Australian....is he from Australia??

I can't wait to check out this movie....if for him alone lol.


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Both leads in that movie are Australian. He reminds me of a young Bruce Lee!


Bruce Lee is a troll next to Brenton.


I love to watch his interviews...where can you find it?


He's adorable! And what a great smile!


This guy is beyond cute. If he is what Australia has to offer then someone book me an one-way ticket, pronto.


Lol, snap! If anyone thought Brenton looked good in blue lagoon, he is SMOKIN in Oculus. He wasn't even on shirtless duty in that one, but still.

Blue lagoon was a hot mess though right? I'm in love with the guy right now and usually at this point i'd start watching everything with him in it but it really doesn't look like something i could sit through....
