MovieChat Forums > Juliana Harkavy Discussion > Dominican, African, Chinese, Russian, Hu...

Dominican, African, Chinese, Russian, Hungarian

Wow. Awesome mix!!!


can't outrun your own shadow

I AM DEE BEE -- 10 years !


I had no idea.


I had no idea.

I can easily see it.

I have biracial family members and her nose, lips, and hair reminds me of theirs.

I just watched her on Constantine and I was like "okay who is this girl, and I wonder just what sort of background she has because she's clearly doesn't look like the typical White southerner".

That thick hair pressed flat but still dense...yeah dead giveaway.

I just thought she was Black and White, but yeah that's a long mix.
I guess we all have a lot of different things within us.


Such a beautiful result.


There are a lot of whites that look more ethnic than she does. She looks like a typical woman of Slavic decent and they don't look like your typical white Americans.


That's because Slavs aren't pure white.


There are a few redundant items on that list, but impressive nonetheless.


You really could see it in Constantine. She was in the episode about the healing preacher. I was like this woman looks a bit like a mixed white black girl.
