Zendaya or Kirsten Dunst?
Who's the better MJ?
shareDunst. Zendaya plays the role like she's miserable.
shareAbsolutely Kirsten
shareI'm going with Zendaya. Her MJ seems to have more realistic emotions and desires.
Spider Man 1 & 2 are great, but Dunst's MJ just seemed like a prize Peter was trying to win.
Absolutely Zendaya. I went in a different uncool direction... whoops! ;>
Actually, given that they’re not even supposed to be playing the same character, don’t know how one could have made the better - different - MJ. Zendaya nailed her role as Dunst did (though let’s just say the way they handled Dunst’s MJ later on was very flawed). As such, I like them both equally for different reasons. (Alright, I’m partial to Zendaya’s *arguably* more relatable and interesting MJ, what up?.)
Zendaya is better looking but I'm not a fan of the way she is playing the role. Granted it probably has more to do with the way she was directed. Overly tombyish and too much forced, sarcastic quipping. Luckily they toned it down in the sequel
shareWhomever decided to cast Zendaya as MJ deserves to burn in hell for eternity....
shareKirsten Dunst. The fact that her MJ is the actual Mary Jane Watson is enough for her to win this one. But she also played her very good.
I can't say Zendaya's MJ is not played well since she was crapped out for Homecoming, so we don't know her. But I don't like her. I don't like the character and I don't like the actress.
Frankly neither. Dunst was too cynical and not really at all like the comic character in Spider-Man 2 and 3 and frankly Zendeya neither looks or acts like the comic book character either. If you want an African love interest fine but don't go saying she's MJ when she neither looks or acts nothing like Mary Jane. Frankly the way it's looking I don't think we'll ever have Mary Jane who is like the comics in the newest movies. Much less have the characters Gwen Stacy or Harry Osborn again either. And now it looks like Sony is going to adapt Ultimate Black Cat who is way older than Peter. So nobody in charge of movies or cartoons wants to make anything like the original comics.
Doesn't help they made it like Ultimate where he'll be in highschool for the forseeable future. I prefer Adult Peter Parker. Stan Lee himself made him an adult and had him graduate highschool in 1965. Yet every new cartoon and now every movie goes out of their way to just adapt Ultimate where Peter never graduated highschool. At least the upcoming Spiderverse sequel might bring back adult Peter Parker.
" If you want an African love interest fine"