Why a janitor?

Why did they have to make his character in TFA a janitor? I know when he says "I worked in sanitation" it's meant to be a big laugh but it seems like there is racist undertones here, like the black stormtrooper has to be a janitor and not just a stormtrooper or a stormtrooper with more responsibility than just pushing a mop and bucket.
Disney has a history of using racial stereotyping in their movies so it is possible this follows that tradition.


The last thing TFA is is racist


Definition of Sanitation - conditions relating to public health, especially the provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal.

what does a mop and bucket have to do with providing Starkiller Base with clean drinking water? Maintaining sanitation on a mobile ICE Planet would require high intelligence in my opinion. But people see what they want.


My theory is that he was put on non-combat duty because he scored low on the stormtrooper viciousness-and-uncaring tests. Of course there's nothing to support that in the Canon except that he was horrified by the slaughter if unarmed villagers and the deaths of his colleagues, but it all adds up doesn't it?

So the way I look at it, being placed in sanitation rather than in the shock troops, is a sign that he's a better human being than the other Stormtroopers.


Are you suggesting that black people can't be janitors? Like only whites and Asians can be janitors? Also, why do you consider sanitation such a bad job? You do realize that garbage men and factory sanitation teams earn $20/hr plus benefits right? They often make more than teachers with a college education.


Not to mention a job in "sanitation" meant he didn't have to shoot unarmed civilians.
