He seems gay to me, read all his tweets from early 2011. Hope he comes out one day.
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shareI would ravage that boy if he was. Oh my God.
Oh, and one more just read my signature.
YAAAAS I was waiting for this thread! I haven't really considered if he were gay or not (because if I start, I'll never stop), but I figure speculation is a rite of passage for any up and comer. Cool to see he's making a splash.
sharehaha I have always thought he was gay too,it's kind of sad how he wont ever come out though.
shareSo have many gay actors who were in a closet at one time?
shareAnd many straight actors or guys in general, have flamboyant personalities. Doesn't make them gay.
share..many straight actors or guys in general, have flamboyant personalities. Doesn't make them gay.
Would it ruin the image you have of them, when you find out that these guys do actually like d!ck? There are more men out there, and actors would make up a massive contingency that would engage in homosexual activity, than you would care to recognize as "gay". Is the lack of acknowledgement due to ignorance, naivety, veiled homophobia or all 3?
Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.