MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > A couple of months ago she was a joke to...

A couple of months ago she was a joke to EVERYONE

Now that she's in the running for the top job, she's suddenly the second coming! She's a black woman who may be president. That's ALL she needs to be adored by dim witted short memory clapping seals, apparently.

US politics is an embarrassing farce, it genuinely is.


Nah, she's quite mediocre and most folks know that. But at this point anyone is better than that rambling buffoon Trump.


No. No one at the moment is better than Trump and I'm sorry but I strongly disagree. This woman will ruin, RUIN our Economy with that Soviet Union Economic plan of hers and if anything, you survived just fine under 4 years of Trump in 2016 and you'll be just fine in 2025, provided the Democrats and China don't try to take Trump out again. The use of a Sniper is now off the table after this recent clusterfuck from Thomas Crooks, so they'll probably go for a more conventional method of taking him out: Poison


True in that the first Trump administration was unremarkable and mediocre. No Hitler, no end of democracy. Nonetheless calling anything coming from a democratic presidency "Soviet Union Economic " is just silly, uneducated babble. You obviously have no clue what Soviet Union or Socialism even means.


Clearly you don't know what it means either, so why don't you explain it to us Mr. Expert since every Economist seems to feel the same way 🙄


"calling anything coming from a democratic presidency "Soviet Union Economic " is just silly, uneducated babble."

You have a lot of experts that would disagree. Very strongly disagree.


Ok kids. Soviet planned economy is characterized by central planning and state control of economic activities. All aspects of the economy, including production, distribution, and pricing, are managed by the government through Five-Year Plans. Private ownership of the means of production is abolished, and resource allocation is determined by state directives rather than market mechanisms. That's stuff we learned in seventh grade or so. At least in my country. Glad to help.


"Ok kids."



She's proof the job doesn't matter - anyone can fill the spot.

Someone is pulling the strings and that's no joke.


Yeah it's quite a joke. There was even talk earlier in the year if Biden was even keeping her on the ticket. Nobody liked her or gave a damn about her.

Then all of a sudden the "Not Biden" and "Not Trump" candidate has emerged as the front-runner.

It doesn't seem fair that a candidate legit wins all the primaries, but do to poor polling, is forced to withdrawal. If she wins, there needs to be an asterisk beside her name. She did not legit win a single primary election to get there.


A few nights ago, one of those media talking heads described Harris as the 'Sarah Palin' of the democrat's side. lol...

Well, she might not be "that" unprepared/unqualified for the position but it was a pretty funny comment.

That being said, it's been hilarious watching the media and the dems cream their pants over her.


Terrible comparison. Palin had a 93% approval as governor but went into steep decline after she went on the McCain ticket.


She's still a joke to those with properly functioning brains. But an unfunny joke.


She still is to the people who are immune to the mind virus.


She is still a joke. Who in their right mind would vote for her or her V.P. pick?


A couple of months ago she was a joke to EVERYONE"

And a couple of months later, she still is and amplified even worse by refusing sit down interviews and barely agreeing to the debate on Sept 10th and only did so because she knows the higher ups at ABC/Disney where they'll feed her the questions ahead of time
