MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Time to bow down and worship me, bitches...

Time to bow down and worship me, bitches!

Good evening, ignorant pigs! Put down your crack pipes and your beer bongs, because the DNC and the media have given you new marching orders! You are to worship me as your new Goddess! You are to fawn over me and say the nicest things about how smart and competent I am--or ELSE!

Forget that you ignored me or snickered at me behind closed doors for many years.

Ignore the fact that I started my political career by sleeping with a hideously ugly black married man, who just happened to be a major judge in San Francisco.

Ignore the fact that I'm not technically black, or that I put over 2,000 black people in California behind bars for smoking pot, while smoking it myself illegally at exclusive elite parties and got away with it.

Ignore the fact that one of my ancestors was the biggest slave owner in Jamaica.

Ignore the fact that when Project Veritas exposed Planned Parenthood for butchering babies and selling them on the black market for parts, that I put the whistleblowers in prison instead of the baby butchers. After all, they're just clumps of cells, right? Doesn't matter if the majority of them are black babies.

Ignore the fact that the only reason I became VP was because Biden was ordered to take on a non-white, non-male running mate, and I was from a pool of only 3 women who fit the bill, never mind that I couldn't legislate my way out of a paper bag!

And please ignore the fact that when I ran in the primaries in 2020, I was so bad at getting you all to follow me, that I couldn't even secure more than 2% of your votes to become candidate for president. After all, that's water under the bridge, right?


There's nothing more gullible and self deceptive than a Liberal. They've already convinced themselves that they loved her from the beginning.


I know! Did you see those lemmings immediately drink the kool-aid and rush to support her?! And it only took one day!

It shouldn't have been as shocking as it was. Of course, these are the same idiots who defended Jews for years until Hamas made it suddenly unpopular online last year, and everyone who would have originally defended Jews suddenly started dumping on them because it was cool! They're the same with Hollywood celebrities and political candidates.

Do you think if the DNC told them to go kill themselves to "save Democracy," they would all do it?


If they told them that it was culturally insensitive if they DIDN'T kill themselves, that would probably do it,lol.


Sounds legit. Sure no problem.


I find it hard to believe that the democrats will have her as the nominee. but then again i didn't believe they'd let biden debate...


At this point, they are extremely desperate and will do anything to hold onto power in Washington, since they can't save face now that Biden has ruined that for them.


The thing is, she's one of the faces of the worst presidency in american history! everytime she's said something insane, her handlers have hid her away for 6 months. her reputation is just as bad as joes. so i have no idea why they'd run her?

If i'm a democrat, i'd being doing anything i could to distance myself from the embarrassment of the last 4 years.

Either they've already written off 2024 and don't care now or they're getting ready to steal 30 or 40 million votes...


All they are counting on is liberals voting for a black woman, nothing more. There hasn't been a genuine base ideology in the Democrat party for decades. To them, the candidates true beliefs don't matter, only that it appears progressive.




That's a massive amount of truth bombs.

Only an imbecile would vote or support Kamala the Cackler.


meh. don't know much about her. i'm not from us. but she'll probably do a better job than that idiot trump. he already had his chance and fumbled it. move along.


For someone who's not from the US, you sure post a lot about our politics.


I take it you have no idea just how fucking stupid she is? She seriously is so fucking dumb, she and AOC are competing to see who can be dumber, and they're even stupider than Biden!


Most of those points are a bit irrelevant... What does it matter what her ancestors were doing, or if whistleblowers were rightfully accused, regardless of being black or not?

Was she supposed to protect criminals just because they were black?

The interesting points are the ones that mention Biden just picked her because of her diversity and she couldn't even hold 2% in the Dems.

Terrible candidate, she's in this position she herself doesn't even understand how.


It's interesting that white people are always getting dumped on for how some of their ancestors owned slaves or helped oppress black people in the past, and yet she gets a free ride about her ancestry because she isn't white. Double-standards, much?

You completely missed the whole thing about black criminals. She basically was being a big fat hypocrite by putting black people away for illegal marijuana use (it was illegal at the time) and yet she does the exact same crime of using it, never gets prosecuted for it, and even bragged about it openly for everyone to hear, and people posted videos about it all over the internet. There's a reason black voters hate her, particularly the Californian ones. It gets even worse when her party tries selling her as a "woman of color," thinking people will mistake her for a half-black woman and not look into her background.

She basically completely ignored the human rights violations revealed in Planned Parenthood and did exactly what the Federal govt, [which funds the baby-murder, which make up 30% of PP's "treatments" and chief income] told her to do, and instead of punishing these baby butchers for carving up aborted infants and selling them on the black market, she goes and punishes the whistleblowers for spying instead. It shows you she doesn't give a damn about the truth, or the lives of the innocent at all. All she cares about is money and getting votes, and she's not even good at those two things!


You just described Republicans and Trump.

The lack of self-awareness of you people...
