MovieChat Forums > Liz Cheney Discussion > Attacks Trump Again

Attacks Trump Again

“Donald, this is not the Soviet Union,” Cheney wrote Friday on social platform X. “You can’t change the truth and you cannot silence us.”

“Remember all your lies about the voting machines, the election workers, your countless allegations of fraud that never happened?” she wrote. “Many of your lawyers have been sanctioned, disciplined or disbarred, the courts ruled against you, and dozens of your own White House, administration, and campaign aides testified against you.”


Liz Cheney might be looking at serious jail time for witness tampering.


Really? And who is going to do anything about her? The same loser who promised to put Clinton in prison?


Hopefully the justice system does the right thing but unfortunately it’s been so overrun by radical leftists which Trump is going to have to root out


Why didn't Trump do anything when he was president? Trump did brag that he could do anything per the Constitution. Turns out Trump is not interested in justice at all, just revenge.


So then Trump isn’t a dictator, correct? His problem is that he doesn’t do enough?


The problem is that Trump makes promises that he does not intend to keep.


So he’s not a dictator?

Why are you so afraid to answer the question?


Trump is obviously not a dictator, yet. He wants to be one though. I answered all of your questions, you are just in denial.


So you admit that he’s done nothing to suggest he’s a dictator meaning you’re lying when you say he wants to be one. Thanks for admitting you’re a liar.


Trump said he wants to be a dictator. Do you believe him or do you think he was lying again?

Why is it the best argument you can bring to this forum is claiming that someone said something in their recent posts that they did not say? You are what is known as "superlame".


He was being facetious you idiot. And his act as a “dictator” would be to close the border which is something the president should do anyways.


A closed border allows no trade. Mexico is one of our largest trading partners. Even Trump is not that stupid.


Holy shit are you really that stupid? By closing the border he clearly meant not allowing illegal immigrants to come across unvetted as Brandon and Kamala have allowed for the past 4 years. As a result women have been murdered, raped, kidnapped, drug traffickers have come across as have child predators , terrorists, etc. it was treasonous

I know you’re trying to play stupid but in all honesty you don’t have to try. Just be yourself


You said "close the border"; you are the stupid one.


You’re being disingenuous and dishonest. Apparently you support open borders also so you’re a traitor.


I support legal immigration and oppose illegal immigration. It is that simple. What part of that do you not understand?


Then you should be furious at Brandon and Kamala because they actively aided and abetted illegal immigration. You should also be joining me in calling for them to face the justice system for their treasonous activities.


I am furious at all DC politicians for doing a poor job. When have I ever given those two clowns a complement?

Call for justice all you want. Trump will not allow it just as he protected Clinton right after he was elected in 2016.


So then Brandon and Kamala should go to jail, right? (BTW I didn’t ask you about anyone else so don’t try to pussy out by saying “I think anyone who commits treason should go to jail”)


Commit a crime, get arrested, go to prison. That applies to everyone including Biden and Harris. It really is that simple. Why do you think Trump will do anything about it after he becomes president again?

Do you think Trump should go to prison for the same reasons? He is a convicted felon after all.

Why is it that you think the word "everyone" does not include Biden and Harris?


Holy shit I called it, you just had to throw in “everyone” because you lack the moral courage to straight up denounce your cult leaders. What a pussy.


He wanted to, until he realized that he was surrounded by 98% swamprats on all sides and she was well protected by them.

And yes, he can do anything in accordance to the Constitution that those swamprats constantly violate.

Trump is not a one man army or a magical wizard.

Never forget that those swamprats tried to impeach him for making a phone call to Ukraine.

If he had tried to indict Hillary, they certainly would have removed him by any means.

What happened to the last 55+ persons that stood in the way of the Clintons? ...


Trump still wants you to believe he can do anything. Why does trump think you're foolish enough to believe him?

What do you think "happened to the last 55+ persons that stood in the way of the Clintons"? Got any names?


The more she attacks him the more the people love him. Because the truth is everyone hates her and her father because they are and represent corrupt sellouts.


Because campaigning on protecting our civil rights, then promoting an anti-gun agenda instead, is not selling out?

Trump's gun confiscation plan without due process.
Trump gun grab.
Trump wants to raise age to buy guns.


Liz Cheney doesn’t give a good fuck about anyone’s civil rights. She’s just a demented Trump hater. You people can have her, we’ll take Tulsi Gabbard


No kidding? Same as Trump.


Nope not the same, Trump cares about everyone’s civil rights including yours. Liz Cheney is just a demented Trump hater who is about to get the wake up call of her life when she goes to jail for witness tampering.

lol Liz Cheney sucks, first she gets savagely primaried , then she goes crying to Kamala and tanks her campaign also. Everything she touches turns to shit.

Nazis = Losers
Confederates = Losers
Democrats = Losers
Kamala = Loser
Liz Cheney = Loser

See a pattern developing here?


Does Trump show us that he cares by grabbing guns and claiming he will grab more?

Trump is thoroughly embraced by the nazis and he hardly ever pushes back unless he finds it to his advantage to do so.


Trump never grabbed guns you moron yet Kamala openly said she planned to.

Trump can’t control who supports him just like Kamala can’t control the fact that BLM and Antifa support her both of whom are far worse than the Nazis.


Trump claims he had a gun grab. Calling Trump a liar?


So are you trying to suggest the government always tells the truth?

And I never said Trump was perfect but he’s clearly the better candidate between him and the cackling slut.


I never claimed the government always tells the truth. You are always suggesting that I am though.

Are you claiming that Trump's gun grab did not happen because Trump (the government) does not tell the truth? Can you explain why that makes any sense at all?


Then your premise is nonsense because for a bump stock to be a gun that would have to mean the government always tells the truth. Your premise is 100% dependent on the alleged word of the government.


Trump said a bump stock was a machine gun. Was he lying? My premise is dependent upon the word of Trump. Trump was the part of the government that decided to ban bump stock by classifying them as machine guns.

How else was the bump stock ban accomplished?


So that means you’re saying Trump always tells the truth, I thought you said he was a liar? Which is it?


I never said that Trump always tells the truth. I have always claimed that Trump is a habitual liar.

You're being evasive. Was Trump lying? Trump was part of the government back in 2017 to 2021 and will be again soon.

Just because Trump had a regulation amended does not mean he was telling the truth.


Then therefore you can’t substantiate your claim that bump stocks are guns. Geez you’re pathetic, first trump is a liar, then he always tells the truth, you’re all over the place pops.


Trump and the ATF and the CFR says bump stocks are guns. Do you believe them or not? You keep on evading an answer to this question. Chicken?

The term “machine gun” includes a bump-stock-type device

What part of 27CFR that says bump stocks are machine guns do you not understand? Nearly everyone else seems to understand this simple English, why not you?


So therefore if they are guns because Trump said so that means Trump isn’t a liar? Correct?


Trump did not lie abut bump stocks. Trump has told plenty of other lies. How is it that you're not aware of that?

Lying Trump made a fool of himself at Mar-a Lago recently.


But your premise is that they are guns because Trump said they are guns. That would have to mean that everything Trump says is the truth. I’m glad you are finally coming around and conceding that Trump is a great man and a great president.


No, you are wrong. Just because Trump ordered the ATF to ban bump stocks, does not mean is always tells the truth or always lies.

Trump is a horrible man and a horrible president.


But you said they were guns because Trump said so. So which is it?


Yes, I said they were guns because the president said so.

Bush and Biden did the same for their gun grabs. Are you denying the Bush and Biden gun grabs also?


So then whatever Trump says is the truth? Or does this not prove they are guns? It’s one or the other, pops.


Why are you making Trump's integrity the issue? The CFR was amended to make bump stocks illegal. Why do you have a problem with that?

The CFR amendment existed even if Trump always lies or always tells the truth.


Because your “evidence” that Bump Stocks are guns is the word of Trump.


It is also the word of the ATF and the federal government.

Did you read those words? I did link to them. Are they real? Or are they a hoax in your opinion?

The evidence that I posted about the bump stock ban was the CFR. Here is is again for you.

It is real? Be brave, you can give a direct answer.


That’s not what you said. You said that they were guns because Trump said so. I’m not letting you weasel your way out of this one, pops.


Because Trump, the ATF and the CFR said so.

You can read the CFR for yourself. Bump stocks were classified as machine guns from 2019 to 2024. You don't have to take my word for it. Even the Supreme Court said so, and they thought Trump was so screwed up that they reversed him.


So therefore what Trump, the ATF and CFR say is true by default? You are really drowning here, pops.


The laws and regulations are a fact in this country as we are a country of laws.

What do you think a judge might say if you told him/her that the law you're charged with violating is "not true"?

Do you really think that would work in court?


So since laws always tell the truth by your own admission does that mean that since during the 1800s there were laws designed to persecute black people does that mean that during that time black people were inferior to white people? You might want to rethink your premise pops because I think you just opened a can of worms you’d rather stay closed.


You're misrepresenting what I posted.

That the laws existed, did not mean they were moral or just.

Why can't you just tell the truth instead?


But your basis is it’s true if it’s the law so that means by your standard Black people really were objectively inferior to white people pre-civil rights movement. I always knew the Democrat party was the party of racism, just most of your fellow cult members are far better at hiding it than you are.


I did not say that at all. I say the law exists. You claim the law is "true", whatever that means.

Does that imply the existence of a false law?

Being anti-Trump does not make me a Democrat. Party loyalty is for the weak and the stupid.


Yes you did. You said that Bump Stocks were guns because the law says so, so that means pre-civil rights black people were inferior to white people because that’s what the laws said. WTF is wrong with you? Why is everything about skin color with you people. You’re a sick person.


She's a moron. Nobody with a brain pays any attention to her.
