very small percentage of actors get to be part of a popular show. Most likely won't see much more of him ever again...
sharevery small percentage of actors get to be part of a popular show. Most likely won't see much more of him ever again...
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shareNo, all reports say he disagreed with Lea and left the show. No notices about being fired.
sharehaha. No. Lea had already written several scripts with him in it. She wanted him in it. He declined and left.
shareHe probably realized the show is a badly written self insert fantasy and his character development is totally retarded and he thought "ugh you cant pay me enough to be part of this complete *beep* *beep*"
share..... and sounds like his acting career has taken a dive as he's apparently BACK on Girls. So....
Blocking trolls since 1999!
It's Lena, not Lea.
shareI think you are exactly right.