MovieChat Forums > Phoebe Waller-Bridge Discussion > She has that 'long face' look which hete...

She has that 'long face' look which heterosexual men detest.


A long thin face with a big nose. Add that to her marfan syndrome physique and dudes just don't like her much.

There is a reason why rhinoplasty is so common amongst female celebrities. Big nose is a big no.

You can tell by her physiognomy that she's a college educated liberal. Strong feminist vibes.


Yeah, no way anyone is going to be convinced that she's "beautiful," not with that face or her attitude. She's the kind of woman most men either avoid, or they demand she put a bag on her head or turn the lights off before hosing.


I can only speak for one heterosexual man, but to me there is nothing remotely attractive about her face, her body, or her personality.


Many Japanese and Latin women with the long "horsey face" look I find quite attractive.


only negative comments are allowed on this bitch's board for ruining Indy


I speak on behalf of Japanese and Latina horsey faces. It works for them.



Phoebe Wakasugi-Borquez has possibilities.


who the fuck are you to speak for men?


He's doing a great job, because he isn't wrong. The only men that would disagree are posturing snowflakes trying to pretend that all women are hot, just so they can get internet points.


I knew a bunch of crazy man hating feminists in college and they all looked exactly like this person. Not sure if the body molds the mind or the mind morphs the body. But they're of a type no doubt.


Political orientation can also be reliably predicted. In a study that used facial recognition technology by analyzing the faces of over one million individuals, political orientation was predicted correctly 74% of the time; considerably better than chance (50%), human ability (55%) or even personality questionnaires (68%)


I've never heard of her before this, so I checked some on line pics.

Normally, I find a lot of women attractive where the average male doesn't (maybe because I'm old!), but there is nothing about her that would make me stop and take a good long look.

I don't have a clue if your theory itself is correct, but I don't find her the least bit attractive.


men have been found to prefer full lips, high forehead, broad face, small chin, small nose, short and narrow jaw, high cheekbones, clear and smooth skin, and wide-set eyes

the female faces tended to be judged as more attractive if they had features such as high cheekbones and small chins, as well as neonate large eyes, greater distance between eyes, and small noses

Attractive female;,h_1080,c_limit/DUA%20LIPA%20CORSET%20010523%20default-GettyImages-1486913010.jpg

Unattractive female;;0,0.0796xh&resize=1200:*


That first "attractive female" pic looks awful. Are you out of your mind?!


I like ladies and don't detest her. LOL.

She's not a beauty but she's isn't unattractive either. She looks like she's in good shape and takes care of herself.
