5ft 5 ¾.

Short man. Serious question. Would Americans vote for a man as short as this?

He's even shorter than Putin (5ft 6 ½), who is mocked for being short.


You live longer if you're short


Mini Mike Bloomberg got elected mayor three times in America’s largest city


Ronald Reagan 6ft 1
Bush Sr 6ft 2 1/2
Bill Clinton 6 ft 2
Bush Jr 5ft 11
Barack Obama 6ft 1
Trump stood 6ft 2 but is now 6ft 1/2
Biden 5ft 11 1/2

It would appear that Americans don't trust short men.


President James Madison was 5 feet 4 inches tall. So, voters in 1808 didn't care about height, or, more likely, the great majority of them had no idea how tall he was in the pre-photography age. Millions voted, but probably only a few thousand ever saw him in person, standing near taller men.


Today no. Women want 6 foot 6 figures.
