Weird choice to play Tonya Harding
For anyone who doesn't know, the scandal from the early 90s involving a figure skater (tonya harding) paying someone to attack another skater (nancy kerrigan) in order to better her chances of winning is being made into a film called, "I, Tonya". Margot Robbie has been cast at the lead character, Tonya Harding.I'm sure she'll do a great job but, one of the reasons why Nancy Kerrigan was more popular than Tonya were her looks. She is far more beautiful than Tonya and she was super jealous about it. That's not the only reason for the attack but, it's definitely one of them.
Now that the movie is being made, I don't understand why they would hire such a beautiful actress like Margot Robbie to play the role of Tonya. They either have to change how Margot looks considerably or they have to completely take away her motive of being jealous of Nancy's looks. Can you imagine Margot saying anything about not being as pretty as someone else? Coming from her it's a joke unless the actress playing Nancy Kerrigan is actually more beautiful than Margot is. It's just kind of ridiculous to hire an actress who actually looks better than the real Nancy Kerrigan is and she was supposed to be the beauty in this situation.