MovieChat Forums > James Rolfe Discussion > The AVGN seems to bash retro computers m...

The AVGN seems to bash retro computers more than consoles

He bashed the Commodore 64, which surprised me, but he hasn't seen fit to look at the Atari 400/800 series of computers, which were superior in many ways, not least for not needing that stupid LOAD command, as they were auto-boot. But no, he will never touch it because it's not what his retarded audience demands.


You take it way too seriously. It's all done in jest..


He probably won’t touch them because they aren’t his nostalgia. The micro computers were mostly a UK thing, and there are plenty ok British YouTubers that cover them.


The guy is a talented content producer , not an anonymous keyboard whiner

Dont get all jealous because he doesent cover you favourite


He appeared to bash the Amiga as well, in the form of the CD32. The very first multimedia computer back in 1985 (the PC was a complete JOKE at that time) and he fails to show it respect, just because it didn't do very well in the States with its PC obsession and Europe and the rest of the world embraced it instead.


Great material


His original song lyrics when he started mentioned the Amiga, but until the CD32 and that weird Western game on the CDTV, he hasn't given it any coverage at all.


I'm in your camp , I've never owned a console , i dont like the inflexibility .
I had Dragon32, zxspectrum, c64 , amiga , PC ..

But if the guy wants to concentrate on the sega and other early consoles , presumably what he grew up on , thats up to him.And he does it well.
If I made a youtube channel all about the C64 games i liked i wouldnt want a load of console boys whining about no sega games .

Besides , He did an hour long special on the C64 recently , and seemed to praise it .
"Street Hassle" game particularlly
