MovieChat Forums > Gal Gadot Discussion > What Would Happen If She and Dwayne John...

What Would Happen If She and Dwayne Johnson Fornicated and Had a Baby? 😱

Would it be the ultimate movie star? Would that be epic or nah? 😱

Would it be close to 10 feet tall?


For one it wouldn’t be fornication but adultery.

Two, he’s 6’5 and she’s only 5’10 so I doubt the kid would be that tall πŸ€“


He's not 6'5". That's a media lie.


So what is he? 6”3? 6”2?


Probably around 6'3". There's a photo of him standing next to Conan O' Brien and he's at least one inch shorter


Its unlikely that steroids are hereditary, so any such child would likely just be some rich, pampered, weedy looking narcissist, that (due to nepotism) may feature in movies that completely rely on special effects or built-in fanbases to succeed (which would be the only hereditary trait this child would inherit from it's equally 'talented' parents?)


Wouldn't happen because when the Rock came sniffing around, I'd whoop his ass and chase him off.
