MovieChat Forums > Gal Gadot Discussion > Can we please have her as Lara Croft !!!

Can we please have her as Lara Croft !!!

There's no denying she'd make an awesome Lara Croft; she's got the physique, the facial features, she radiates confident power.


You mean a bulimic Lara Croft ?

At least with Angelina, she was close to being Lara and had a huge name behind her.


Angelina Jolie looked the way she does today before she got the Croft role. If Jolie looked the part, it's because they sent her off to boot camp and train for months on end. Gadot can do the same.

Jolie was not a huge name when she started out as croft; she became one because of that role.

As for the term bulimic... maybe you should double-check.


Jolie had NO name, ooooooook

BTW if Gal to be ANYONE "physically" is 1 fictional character and it's with makeup and not 1 bodily change - Cammy from Streetfighter. Cammy was good near anorexic. Make Gal blonde with colorful eyes...PERFECT. But NO, someone with absolutely not 1 curve like Megan Fox and Gal...NO...they'd be better off making movies with women portraying eating disorders. Sorry just some truth.

BTW I believe YOU must not like women at had to correct me on bulimia.

(sigh) what a fruit...if I misspelled "there", I'll guarantee you'd be on top of it :)



your post makes absolutely no sense. get back on your meds.
