MovieChat Forums > Gal Gadot Discussion > So what's the verdict? Did she nail WW? ...

So what's the verdict? Did she nail WW? Was casting spot on?

Guess Snyder had a vision that much of us couldn't see. Keaton pretty much got the same "Aw, hail naw" flak when it was announced he was casted as Batman.

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She was about 20 pounds too skinny and had an accent when playing WW, even if you look past that she was not that good.There are other actresses that have look,physique and acting chops that could have been better. Jessica Biel,Lynn Collins,Gina Carano,Gemma Arterton or Lauren Cohen(Mama Wayne in BVS) would have been better options

Class is Pain 101. Your instructor is Casey Jones


I think she got the looks but need to work on her acting a little bit.


I'd prefer a more muscular actress, but she wasn't given enough to do to form a solid opinion on her acting. Wonder Woman has about as much screentime as Black Widow in Iron Man 2. She makes an impression, & they don’t have time to ruin her.



She was great!


She didn't register with me at all, neither positively nor negatively. The cg fighting for her was pretty bad, but ya can't fault her for that. I hope she continues to bulk up appropriately. Honestly, i am having a tough time getting excited for any of the upcoming soli JL projects (or the team-up movie, for that matter).

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had an accent when playing WW

Since Diana is from Themyscira and is a Greek mythological character, it would in fact be a bit of a stretch for her to not have an accent.


In all the cartoons and games she never had an accent. Also in the comics she is fluent in different languages

Class is Pain 101. Your instructor is Casey Jones


Since Diana is from Themyscira and is a Greek mythological character, it would in fact be a bit of a stretch for her to not have an accent.

Every representation of the character so far has had an American accent. Gal is just lazy.
