MovieChat Forums > Sydney Sweeney Discussion > She’s wrong about actors who perform nud...

She’s wrong about actors who perform nude

In the interview below, Sweeney said male actors with nude scenes win Oscars and get praised while women are degraded. That’s not true at all.

There are more Oscar-winning actresses who performed nude than men. In fact, almost every woman who won an Oscar for Best Actress going back to 1970 have performed nude and are praised for their work. So were a majority of the nominees.

The big difference here is a majority of people would rather see women nude onscreen than men. So when men are nude, people tend to ignore it. When women are nude, it’s a big deal, especially prominent actresses. That’s why you’ll see more news reports about actresses getting nude than men and find more websites dedicated to nude actresses than actors.

The only ones who degrade them are prudish people who don’t want anyone to be nude or jealous women. Emilia Clarke even said that most of the complaints she gets for her nude scenes in Game of Thrones are from other women, which she called “anti-feminist.”

Problem is, ever since metoo, studios have cut way back on female nudity in mainstream films and shows because some people whine that it’s insulting to women. That’s also BS as long as actresses aren’t forced to film them. Now we’re subjected to mostly nude men, which very few people want to see.


The only ones who degrade them are prudish people who don’t want anyone to be nude or jealous women.

I was agreeing with you until this. If I was dating an actress, I wouldn't want her to do it because as a guy, I know very well there's going to be some pervy dude whacking it to her. But some actresses with kids don't want their classmates to watch those scenes and start making fun of it.


I understand that but that’s totally different than being against actresses performing nude in general.


I see your point now.


If she's attractive there will still be dudes whacking it to her fully clothed.


Better than whacking it to her tig 'ol bitties.


Because those are your property?


No, I just don't want guys whacking off to my girlfriend's tits and look at her just to get off.


Maybe the problem is rather that for some reason you keep thinking about other guys jerking off?


LMAO. . .well played


You missed the part where I said "if I was dating an actress."


Sydney Sweeney is your girlfriend?




It would be worse if you had a girlfriend no guy wanted to whack off too. 😊


I suppose.


Every straight guy alive has whacked to the mental image of some playmate/model/actress/in-person woman he has seen nude. It's not "pervy", it's normal.


I'm talking about specifically how it doesn't make someone a prude for not wanting to do it. Some women don't like the idea of a guy whacking it to them.


"The big difference here is a majority of people would rather see women nude onscreen than men."

You don't have a very good grasp of population statistics, do you! Slightly more than 50% of the world population is female, and among the males, there are enough gays and pre-pubescent children to solidify the fact that only a minority of humans want to look at naked women.

Perhaps what you meant is that there are more humans who will pay to see naked women on film than naked men, and "who is willing to fork out for this" is the only statistic Hollywood cares about.


You said the same thing I did. Just in a different way. 😊


No, dear. The two statements are not completely dissimilar, but mine was written by a person who knows what "majority" and "minority" mean.




Apparently you don’t. Dear.


Men are more stimulated by visuals than women.

I bet more men than women have masturbated to movies like Magic Mike even though there are many times more hetero women than gay/bi men.

But sure there are women who like seeing naked men but its not as big of a draw as the other way around.


Do you realize many actresses and actors feel pressured to do nudity out of fear of being blackballed or simply because they're young and need the money? Nudity exploits actors.


Why does anyone need to be nude in a non-porno movie? I mean, there may be instances where it's necessary for a scene, but most of the time it can be implied without a full-frontal shot.

Also, you say that women aren't forced to film nude scenes, and that may be literally true, but a lot of female actors have risked a career hit by refusing to be nude onscreen. Basically they're faced with an ultimatum: 'Go nude, or go home' (as in, leave Hollywood).

I don't remotely judge anyone who performs nude onscreen. I just hope they're 100% comfortable with doing so. And I will say that acting is a career that requires some degree of surrender, particularly from an emotional POV. It's not a career for 'sissies'. You have to be willing to expose yourself to a large degree, but that doesn't mean you should be compelled to expose yourself *literally*, especially as most nude scenes in movies are entirely superfluous and simply about titillation.

Also, as an aside, and speaking as a 'red-blooded straight man' who appreciates attractive women, sometimes, less is more. Women, and indeed men, can be sexy and alluring without having to bare all.


She tends to word things quite poorly then reiterates them later, she was basically saying Men can do a nude scene and there's much of a fuss about it, maybe for a moment in an interview but it's really not as focused on as it is for women.

She also states she's fine with doing nude scene's and will continue to do them but she just wishes there were better ways people would react to the scenes. Which i totally understand.

Tbh i think she falls into a pretty rare category though, idk how many actresses with as large breasts as her have done as many nude scenes whilst also being popular in the mainstream it's just rare, i think that's more of why people are focusin on her rather than someone else who'd gone nude from some other show.
