A natural blonde

At what age did you first dye your hair?

“During my freshman year of high school, I was 14.”

Why red?

“As a fair skinned blonde, I disappeared into the background. I’ve always been a loner, so I suppose dying my hair red was a way to say, “I’m here, I exist, I’m a human being and you can’t just push me aside.” I’m also a fan of old movies, and was very into Rita Hayworth at the time. I always fancied someone might call me “red”, like Katherine Hepburn.”


I thought it was natural.


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DAMN! I love redheads and it sucks to find out such a beautiful redhead is a poser. I also found out that Christina Hendricks is not a natural redhead.

http://www.ontariohst.ca/ No HST in Ontario.


I'm a redhead and usually we can spot a fake redhead a mile away, she had me fooled.


http://www.ontariohst.ca/ No HST in Ontario.


Sadly for you most redheads you meet are probably posers.Only 2% of the world's population are true redheads. Its a genetic mutation.



nice hair!

http://www.ontariohst.ca/ No HST in Ontario.


thank you


Many of the blondes you meet are too; only 16% of women in the US are born blonde, even less worldwide
