MovieChat Forums > Jenny Slate Discussion > She is HILARIOUS AND a babe!

She is HILARIOUS AND a babe!

Honestly, SNL is the best it's been in a super long time! Jenny is a big part of the reason!
Her and Kristin Wiig.

Don't get me wrong. overall the cast and the writing is the strongest it's been this season in YEARS and years, but Kristen and Jenny are both outrageous and hilarious in very different ways!

My friends and I all think she's amazing and are hoping she stays on the show for a long time (that is, until her movie career and own sitcom come along, hehe.)


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Guess it's just a matter of opinion because I find them both very annoying. I press the mute button when they're on the screen. I like just about every other cast member, however, with the exception of one of the guys.

I'm a huge Tina Fey and Amy Poelher fan...wish they were still on the show. Oh well, no biggie.



"My friends and I all think she's amazing and are hoping she stays on the show for a long time (that is, until her movie career and own sitcom come along, hehe.)"


Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?




Just learned of her through the "Obvious Child" trailer. What a cutie!


She's pretty funny. But I've listened to her in a couple interviews: Take the word "like" out of her vocabulary and she wouldn't be able to put together a full sentence.
