Kinda ugly but at the same time kinda hot
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shareI feel same way about Anna Torv from Fringe
shareI came here to post the same thing! Haha
I've seen her on the new show Married, and I'm like shes pretty sexy, but at the same time I am turned off by her lol.
She's hot in a regular girl kind of way. I wouldn't call her ugly at all, but she's in the realm of "plain" or "ordinary" looking, but hot nonetheless.
sharepretty much, she's a two face.
-The Wicker Man
Nah, just really hot.
shareI thought same thing first time I seen her was on House of Lies and I said she not all that but then she then she is kinda hot. I think now that been seeing more of her she is very attractive her personality and her being funny makes her even hotter.
shareWay to go, man. You've got the whole objectifying women thing down cold.
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.