Horrible singer...

I can't believe nobody else has commented on this before. He's a fine actor, no gripes there, but PLEASE! Don't let him sing anymore. He's terrible!


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I could not disagree more, I think he is a wonderful singer! And I really don't think that he would have been casted as a leading character in musicals, off and on Broadway, if he was a terrible singer. He even got nominated for a Tony for his performance in Spring awakening. So you don't like his voice or his style or what ever, that's one thing, but claiming that he is a terrible singer, that's completely ridiculous! I do agree that he is a fine actor though.


Okay. Let me rephrase, as I have not heard any of his "nominated" material. HE IS A HORRIBLE SINGER ON GLEE! Absolutely horrible. Everything I have heard him sing on that show he has sounded and handled horribly. Okay? Feel better? You can still disagree all you want, doesn't change the fact that I am correct.


I like Madonna, but her voice is hardly what I would call brilliant. She's definitely got a few up on Jonathan Groff though.

Oh, glad you got a laugh too. It's great when people don't take things so serious on a message board like this. It's all a big joke anyways :) Well, except he does suck on Glee. That's not a joke.


"horrible" is a kind of feeling, not a fact.
it can't be "correct".

time to go back to your cave and start brewing hare meat.


no, still ridiculous!


OCFALLWIND, it can and is both. Especially in this case. And chrisda, I apologize that you can't accept the fact that you are wrong. We all still love you :)


The fact is that you are wrong and also a jackass. You may disagree all you want but that doesn't change the fact that I am right, duh!
