A disaster

Just saw Queen and Country — This guy is the worst actor I have ever seen in my life!!!!!


Was horrible I. God's Pocket too. Must know someone. He is really a horrible actor. Ruins a good movie.


Agreed. Although, in saying he ruins a good movie, I hope you're not implying that God's Pocket was a good movie? Granted, the film has a handful of Excellent actors and I'm sure I don't have to put their names, but anyway, Hoffman, Turturro, Richard Jenkins...etc, OH, I forgot the funeral home director, I forget his name, very good character actor. But Jenkins, must be a good actor, because maaan, did he effin IRK the ever lovin crap outta me!! maybe it's me, or maybe it's just that, it was such a depressing ugly movie. I really liked P.S.Hoff, but of course that ugly kid Caleb, sucked, basically not really all that much of a real life story to tell. Big whoop, so this town/a Philly suburb, residents are eccentric, and unless you were born there, you're not from there even if somebody is 90 years old and has lived there since the age of 2, nope, ur not really from God's Pocket. G T F O O H!!!


Geez, I'm really sorry to ramble on, you're so damn right!!! About almost being able to drag down a film, I'm thinking about Contraband... Awful(just Caleb) otherwise love that film. And Xmen 1st class/ Awesome movie, he sucked ass!


I'm pretty sure he was directed to be OTT most of the time, considering how many other OTT characters we had in the movie.

there's a highway that is curling up like smoke above her shoulder
