Maphanie! (or Stax)

Shelley Hennig is beautiful but its very strange that they went from redhead Shayna Rose to Hennig, when the two share zero resemblance...While at first i hated her as Stephanie, i really like her now...i cant picture anyone else as the character. I also love her and Max together...i cant stand Jeremy ew. I even made up my own name for Max and Steph: Maphanie! haha lol im such a loser...
Who else agrees that the show should put max and her back together?


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She actually looks more like Kayla. I thought she could even be a real daughter.


I hope the whole ford decker angle goes to trial. Then stephanie, cordy and morgan can testify and then ford decker's dad has no choice but to listen to their testimony or the judge could hold in contempt. I hope this comes back to bite ford decker's dad rigth on the a**. I can't stand ford decker's father, hes a big jerk.


I like Maphanie but Stax will probably win out - lol

When Shelley auditioned, the other 4 or 5 girls were redheads/strawberry blondes. Her talent and chemistry with "kayla" sealed the deal.


I just like combining names - and anybody who's hot - like max and stephanie and melanie (big love relationship anyone?)

...and it saddens me.
