She was good in The Maze Runner
She was good in The Maze Runner although I think her part could've been played by Jennifer Lawrence or Kristen Stewart just as easily.
shareShe was good in The Maze Runner although I think her part could've been played by Jennifer Lawrence or Kristen Stewart just as easily.
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shareI disagree. I seriously am not trolling here, just giving my honest opinion.
I thought she gave one of the worst performances I've ever seen. I literally was dumbfounded.
Now, maybe I need to read the book: is she supposed to be one dimensional, zombie-like, lifeless, with barely any emotion?
Maybe her part was underwritten. I've heard she's good in other stuff so maybe it was just bad directing.
But seriously, watch her emotions, her reactions, even how robotically she moves when running. I just felt like she didn't embrace the role, almost like someone held a gun to her head and forced her to do the role against her will.
Again, just my opinion, if anybody can provide further insight into her character in the book or why she carried a blank expression throughout, please respond!
She usually is pretty emotionless/cool in her roles. She's good but a bit typecast.
shareI'm not sure if we were watching the same movie because her acting in The Maze Runner was terrible. She just stands there with her mouth open most of the time
shareMaybe that's because you spent all the time looking at her mouth. I don't blame you - it's a pretty mouth!!
sharePEOPLE, I'm new to Kaya, but she wasn't given much to work with in the writing of this character. Her character didn't play a big part in this first movie. Maybe she plays a bigger part in the next one?
shareI agree with you, I love Kaya and her acting, she was beyond amazing in Skins, but not in The Maze Runner. I think she didn't have enough material to work with (same as Josh Hutcherson in The Hunger Games, he's a pretty good actor but the writing sucked).