MovieChat Forums > Lena Dunham Discussion > Somebody actually married it.

Somebody actually married it.

I can't believe there was a man out there who thought it was a good person and wanted to marry it. It's a terrible person who joked about molesting its sister. It said that it wishes it had an abortion. It also said that Odell Beckham Jr. thought it was fat because he didn't make eye contact. It also defended a writer on its show of sexual harassment because they were friends. Lena is a terrible person.


Maybe someone chasing $$$?


That's dedication. I couldn't imagine having to put up with her shit every day.


$$$ or not…this guy has a lifetime of pegging in his future.


I give it 6 months. I mean, how could someone stand Lena for longer than that?


A lot of terrible people get married


I know but I don't see how someone can do it though.


She might suck like a vacuum.
